General Information


Educational programs that Astrakhan State University delivers differ in their level (bachelor or master), in forms of their coverage (full-time, part-time, or distance), in types of their coverage (main or parallel studies), and in delivery methods (stationary and distance programs).

Computer classrooms and laboratories of ASU are equipped with modern hardware and license software. All our buildings are united into a single computer network. Any user can access our internal educational resources and the Internet.

Astrakhan State University is a member of the Association of Universities of the Caspian Region; it is developing its international relations actively. Jointly with its partners – universities of Finland, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, France, China, Iran, Egypt, the United States, and other countries – it delivers the following programs:

  • Short-term language courses;
  • Student exchange programs;
  • Joint research and innovative projects;
  • Joint courses for its students;
  • International conferences.

In 2007, ASU signed “double-diploma” agreements related to joint master programs with the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France) and with Clark University (Massachusetts, USA).

Масленица в АГУ

Students from Iran, Korea, Italy, France, Turkey, Syria, Morocco, Congo, and many other countries study at our University. Some of our programs have been certified by the European Credit Transfer & Accumulation System (ECTS).

ASU has been selected by Harvard University as a pilot site in Russia to deliver an educational program in international competitiveness.

ASU is striving to form a multilingual educational environment, which implies that training of a competitive specialist is based on each student’s studies of 1 or 2 foreign languages throughout the whole period of their education to apply the obtained language skills in their further professional activities.

ASU has become one of Russia’s 16 basic universities that form the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

ASU participates in the World CDIO Initiative.

ASU houses the UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development”, which aims to form a regional system of continuing education, to tackle issues of our integration into the Bologna Process, to create suitable conditions to provide employment and to improve living standards of the local population, to reduce social tension, and to prevent conflicts between people of different ethnic origins and different religions.

ASU is one of Eastern Europe’s most rapidly developing innovative universities; it unites both academic traditions and modern technologies in its activities.

Последнее редактирование: 15-03-2019, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович