Unit of Technical Support of Educational Process

Our main tasks are as follows:

  • Technical support of overall educational and research process at Chairs of the Department of Physics and Technology at laboratory and demonstration classes;
  • Supervision of students’ work at laboratory classes.

Our main functions are as follows:

  • Preparation of equipment and hardware to delivering laboratory and demonstration classes after receiving the corresponding applications by Chairs of the Department of Physics and Technology;
  • Supervision of students’ work at laboratory classes;
  • Assemblage of laboratory and demonstration equipment and hardware;
  • Maintenance, repair, and storage of laboratory and demonstration equipment and hardware;
  • Purchase of new equipment and hardware at requests by Chairs of the Department of Physics and Technology.
  Starov, Dmitry Vladimirovich
Chief of Unit
Address: Room #807, 20a Tatischev Street (Annex to University Main Building), Astrakhan 414056 Russia.
Phone: +7-8512-24-64-20 (internal numbers 458, 459).

Последнее редактирование: 26-07-2022, Тутаринова Наталия Анатолиевна