List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers
  • Pedagogics
  • Pedagogical Technologies
  • Succession & Viability of Primary Education
  • Problems of Poor Progress at School
  • Psychological Pedagogical Diagnostic of Children
  • Psychological Pedagogical Support of Primary School Students during Academic Process
  • Development of Creative Personality of Primary School Students
  • Early Diagnostic of Malfunctions & Consultancy Help
  • Manual Labor as Tool to Develop Primary School Students’ Creative Abilities
  • Astrakhan Region’s Educational System
  • Modern Educational Technologies
  • Special (Correction) Preschool Pedagogics
  • Theory & Technique of Education
  • Theory & Technique of Game
  • Educational Technologies at Educational Institutions of Astrakhan Region
  • Ecological Education at Primary School
  • Relevant Issues of Preschool Education
  • Verbal & Nonverbal Communication Tools
  • Education of Children Based on Folk Traditions
  • Diagnostics of Development Features & Psychophysical Correction
  • Preschool Pedagogics
  • Painting
  • Historical Aspects of Education of Children with Development Disorders
  • Historical & Theoretical Fundamentals of Correction Pedagogics
  • History of Education in Astrakhan Region
  • History of Education & Pedagogical Doctrines
  • History of Pedagogics & Education
  • Complex Sensor & Intellectual Disorders
  • Artistic Composition
  • Concepts of Aesthetic Education
  • Correction Pedagogics with Fundamentals of Special Psychology
  • Correctional Work with Children of Primary School Age
  • Correctional Rhythmics
  • Correctional Pedagogical Systems of Education of Children of Preschool Age
  • Correction of Students’ Oral & Written Speech
  • Culture of Interethnic Communication
  • Logopedic Technologies
  • Logopedic Workshop
  • Logopedic Psychology
  • Interethnic Contacts among Children of Preschool Age
  • Management in Education
  • Technique of Musical Education
  • Technique of Teaching Arts
  • Technique of Teaching Construction
  • Technique of Teaching Pronunciation of Children with Hearing Disorders
  • Technique of Teaching Manual Crafts
  • Technique of Teaching Technology with Workshop
  • Technique of Development of Spatial Orientation of Children with Eyesight Disorders
  • Technique of Speech Development of Children of Preschool Age with Hearing Disorders
  • Technique of Development of Auditory Perception of Children of Preschool Age with Hearing Disorders
  • Technique of Physical Training of Children with Development Malfunctions
  • Research Methodology & Technique
  • Modeling in Teachers’ Activities
  • Musical Aesthetic Education
  • General Fundamentals of Pedagogics
  • Speech Development Technique
  • Documentation Management at Preschool Institution
  • Arrangement of Correctional Developing Environment
  • Arrangement of Subject Developing Environment at Specialized Educational Institutions
  • Arrangement of Economic Activities at Preschool Educational Institutions
  • Foundations of Personality Self-Development
  • Development Features of Abnormal Children
  • Pedagogics of Primary Education
  • Pedagogical Diagnostics at Preschool Education
  • Pedagogical Mastery
  • Legal Fundamentals of Education Management
  • Issues of Educating Children with Locomotorium Disorders
  • Issues of Aesthetic Education of Children under Modern Conditions
  • Psychology of Artistic Creativity
  • Development of Visual Perception of Children with Eyesight Disorders
  • Development of Independent Cognition
  • Normal & Pathological Development of Speech
  • Drawing
  • Family Pedagogics & Home Education of Children of Nursery Age
  • Family Education of Children with Speech Disorders
  • Modern Systems of Preschool Education outside Russia
  • Socialization & Social Adaptation of Children
  • Theory & Technique of Introducing Children into Real Social Life
  • Theory &Technique to Form Elementary Mathematical Notions for Children of Preschool Age
  • Theory of Teaching
  • Technical Tools to Diagnose & Correct Hearing & Speech
  • Technology of Interaction with Families of Children with Development Disorders
  • Consideration of Children’s Individual Features at Visual Arts Classes
  • Philosophical Concepts of Artistic Creativity
  • Expert Assessments in Education
  • Artistic Presentation at School
  • Ethnic Pedagogics
  • Development of Artistic Needs of Primary School Students
  • Gender Features of Education at Primary School
  • Innovative Processes within Russia’s Modern System of Higher Education
  • Fundamentals of Business Communications
  • Traditional & New Technologies of Teaching Students Techniques to Master University Course Delivery
  • Fundamentals of Ergotherapy
  • Proverbs as Tool to Educate Children
  • Decorative Applied Art
  • Personality Oriented Approach in Education
  • Section Work Arrangement
  • Arrangement of Musical & Aesthetic Events

Последнее редактирование: 13-11-2014

Chair of Preschool & Primary School Education

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers