Research Methodical Center for Youth-Related Activities

This Center operates to provide scientific and information support for youth-related programs and developments, to carry out youth-related projects, to conduct comparative researches, and to arrange and develop partnership relations.

Our main tasks are as follows:

  • Training of qualified specialists for youth-related activities;
  • Activities performed jointly with other organization and institutions that deal with youth-related issues;
  • Conduct of scientific researches in youth-related issues as per the Development Strategy of Astrakhan Region and top-priority development spheres of the Russian science and education;
  • Inclusive education, practical training in Russia and outside it; development of students’ and faculty staff’s academic mobility in EU countries and in Russia;
  • Integration into the international educational space.

Our main functions are as follows:

  • Research and information support of programs of professional education “Organization of Youth-Related Activities” and “Social Work”;
  • Conduct of comparative researches in the field of relevant youth-related issues;
  • Research support of development and introduction of efficient youth-related projects; training of specialists to master efficient technologies of working with young people;
  • Arrangement and development of partnership relations with employers and other organizations to arrange practical training and employment of our students who have covered our two programs - “Organization of Youth-Related Activities” and “Social Work”.
  • To perform our key activities, our Center closely cooperates with a number of legal authorities and agencies (including the Regional Agency for Youth-Related Affairs and the Regional Ministry of Education & Science), as well as with other educational institutions and private companies.
Palatkina, Galina Vladimirovna
D.Sc. in Pedagogics, Full Professor – Director of Center
Address: Room #34, 2a Mosina Str., Astrakhan 414042 Russia.
Phones: +7-8512-24-66-98.

Последнее редактирование: 25-01-2019, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович