Training Center of Restaurant Service & Hospitality

The Center was established in 2008 to apply modern innovative approaches to professional education in the field of catering.

Our production base includes the Chistaya Voda (Clear Water) Restaurant right at the campus of Astrakhan State University, the Laboratory of Food Technologies, and the Laboratory of Service Technologies. Operation of these three units includes organization of catering for students and staff of our University and professional education of our students in two major specialties – Technology of Catering Production and Organization of Services at Catering Facilities.

Creative works in cooking and in confectionary production are demonstrated at thematic events: “Holiday of National Cuisine, Health Nutrition, Lenten Menu, Brand Menu, and Vegetarian Cuisine.

We also deliver a number of programs of extra education: Chef, Confectioner, Maître d'Hôtel, Catering Accounting, and Household Cooking.

Correct and irreproachable service – this is what makes up the strategy of our Center.


Fateeva, Anastasiya Sergeevna



Chistaya Voda Restaurant

Address: Hostel #3, 20 Tatischev Str., Astrakhan 414056 Russia.

Phone: +7-8512-25-04-81.

Последнее редактирование: 04-06-2021, Тутаринова Наталия Анатолиевна