List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers
  • Civil Law
  • Civil Court Procedure
  • Administrative Law
  • Labor Law
  • Family Law
  • Notarial System
  • Entrepreneurial Law
  • Protection of Consumers’ Rights
  • Commercial Law
  • Legal Commercial Activities
  • Legal Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activities
  • Social Security Law
  • Contractual Law
  • Copyright
  • Civil Procedural Documents
  • Arbitral Proceedings
  • Housing Law
  • Labor Legislation Supervision & Control
  • Fiscal Law
  • Land Law
  • Ecological Law
  • Financial Law
  • Legal Regulation of Banking Services Market
  • Insurance Law
  • Bank Law
  • Customs Law
  • Monetary Law
  • Budget Law
  • Municipal Law
  • Currency Control
  • Municipal Authorities
  • Patent Law
  • Relevant Issues of Administrative Law

Последнее редактирование: 25-11-2014

Chair of Civil Law

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers