List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

1. Geochemistry.
2. Geology of Fossil Fields.
3. Petrography & Lithology.
4. Methods to Control Development of Oil & Gas Fields.
5. Geotectonics.
6. Historical Geology with Fundamentals of Paleontology.
7. Structural Geology & Geological Cartography.
8. Seismic Stratigraphy.
9. Geotectonics.
10. Lithology.
11. Geophysics.
12. Methods of Marine Geological Explorations.
13. Applied Organic Geochemistry.
14. Mechanics of Rocks & Soils.
15. Oil Source Suites.
16. Geochemical Methods of Oil & Gas Exploration Works.
17. General Geology.
18. Geology of Russia.
19. Mineralogy with Fundamentals of Crystallography.
20. Geology & Oil-and-Gas Geochemistry.
21. Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, & Cryopedology.
22. Ecological Geology.
23. Geodesy with Fundamentals of Space & Aerial Photography.
24. Legal Fundamentals, Economy, & Arrangement of Exploration Works.
25. History & Methodology & Geological Sciences.
26. Chemistry of Combustible Fossils.
27. Lithologic Genesis in Sedimentary Basins.
28. Lithology of Oil & Gas.
29. Drilling & Geophysical Exploration of Wells.
30. Geoinformation Systems in Geology.
31. Oil Geology Data Computer Processing.
32. Fundamentals of Field Geology & Development of Oil-and-Gas Fields.
33. Hydrogeology of Oil & Gas.
34. Oil-and-Gas-Bearing & Coal-Bearing Basins of ex-USSR.
35. Oil-and-Gas Fields Exploration Methods.
36. World’s Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Basins.
37. Geology of World Ocean.
38. Current Issues of Geology.
39. Fundamentals of Crystallography.
40. Mineralogy.
41. Petrography & Lithology.
42. Fundamentals of Hydraulics, Hydrology, & Hydrometry.
44. General Hydrogeology.
45. General Engineering Geology.
46. Underwater Dynamics.
47. Engineering Geodynamics.
48. Hydrogeochemistry.
49. Soil Science.
50. Exploration of Underwater.
51. Engineering Surveys & Explorations.
52. Mechanics of Rocks & Soils.
53. Water Supply & Engineering Meliorations.
54. Engineering Constructions.

Последнее редактирование: 02-03-2015