List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

  1. Data Analysis & Visualization
  2. Databases & Expert Systems
  3. Computing Experiment
  4. Computing & Programming
  5. Group Properties of Differential Equations
  6. Discrete Mathematics
  7. Discrete Mathematical Models
  8. Analysis of Discrete Models
  9. Differential Equations
  10. Information Science
  11. Differential Equations & Fundamentals of Computer Technologies
  12. Information Analytical Technologies of Public Administration
  13. Information Resources & Technologies in Management
  14. Information Technologies
  15. Information Technologies in Human Relations Management & in Documentation Management
  16. Information Technologies in Mathematics
  17. Information Technologies in Education
  18. Information Technologies in Professional Activities
  19. Information Technologies in Economical & Legal Researches & Education
  20. Information Technologies in Management
  21. Computer Sciences
  22. Computer Technologies in Accounting & Finances
  23. Computer Technologies in Sciences & Education
  24. Computer Technologies in Scientific Researches
  25. Mathematics & Information Science
  26. Mathematical Researches in Economical & Legal Researches
  27. Mathematical Models in Natural Sciences
  28. Mathematical Models in Natural Sciences & Their Research Techniques
  29. Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes
  30. Optimization Methods
  31. Mathematical Fundamentals of Cybernetics
  32. Mathematical Packages for Tackling of Engineering Tasks
  33. Methods of Mathematical Modeling
  34. Modeling of Systems with Random Parameters
  35. Continuous Mathematical Models
  36. New Information Technologies
  37. Inverse Tasks & Analysis of Mathematical Models
  38. Object Modeling
  39. Object-Oriented Programming
  40. Office Programming
  41. PC Workshop
  42. Applied Programming
  43. Application of Supercomputers in Mathematical Modeling
  44. Problem-Oriented Models & Languages
  45. Programming
  46. System & Applied Software
  47. Modern ICT in Professional Activities
  48. Modern ICT
  49. Modern Issues of Applied Mathematics & Information Science
  50. Modern Means to Present Scientific Information
  51. Theoretical Fundamentals of Information Science
  52. Theory of Algorithms
  53. Game Theory & Operation Research
  54. Equations in Mathematical Physics
  55. Numerical Methods
  56. Numerical Methods & Mathematical Modeling
  57. Numerical Methods for Tackling of Boundary Value Problems
  58. Web Programming
  59. Web Technologies

Последнее редактирование: 06-04-2016, Сорокин Виталий Витальевич

Chair of Applied Mathematics & Information Science

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers