List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

Chinese & Japanese

  • History of Religions
  • History & Culture of China (Japan)
  • Communicative Grammar of Chinese (Japanese)
  • Fundamentals of Linguistics
  • Practical Course of Chinese (Japanese)


  • History & Philology of Farsi
  • Theoretical Phonetics of Farsi
  • Lexicology of Farsi
  • Theoretical Grammar of Farsi
  • Stylistic of Farsi
  • Practical Course of Farsi
  • History & Culture of Iran
  • History of Islam
  • Practical Course of Translation & Interpretation from/into Farsi
  • Business Farsi
  • Technical Translation into/from Farsi
  • Business Documents & Correspondence in Farsi
  • Translation of Farsi Ecology-Related Texts
  • Translation of Farsi Texts in Cargo Transportation


  • History & Philology of Arabic
  • Theoretical Phonetics of Arabic
  • Arabic Lexicology
  • Theoretical Grammar of Arabic
  • Arabic Stylistics
  • Practical Course of Arabic
  • History & Culture of Arabic-Speaking Countries
  • History of Islam
  • Practical Course of Translation & Interpretation from/into Arabic
  • Business Arabic
  • Technical Translation into/from Arabic
  • Business Documents & Correspondence in Arabic
  • Translation of Arabic Ecology-Related Texts
  • Specifics of Arabic Business Communications
  • Dialectology Issues in Arabic-Speaking Countries


  • History of Turkish Literature
  • History & Philology of Turkish
  • Theoretical Phonetics of Turkish
  • Turkish Lexicology
  • Theoretical Grammar of Turkish
  • Turkish Stylistics
  • Practical Course of Turkish
  • Turkish Communicative Grammar
  • History of Arts of Ancient Turkey
  • Turkish Mass Media
  • Practical Course of Translation & Interpretation from/into Turkish
  • Turkish Speech Culture
  • Business Documents & Correspondence in Turkish
  • Technical Translation into/from Turkish
  • Translation of Turkish Construction-Related Texts
  • Translation of Turkish Tourism-Related Texts
  • Literature of Turkish-Speaking Countries
  • Phraseology of Modern Turkish
  • Translation of Turkish Ecology-Related Texts
  • Customs Legislation of Turkey
  • Translation of Turkish Artistic Texts
  • Analysis of Translated Turkish Artistic Texts

Последнее редактирование: 23-03-2016, Сорокин Виталий Витальевич

Chair of Asian Languages

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers