List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers
  1. Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
  2. General Electrical Engineering
  3. Electric Machinery
  4. Electric & Electronic Devices
  5. Electric Actuator
  6. Automatic Control Theory
  7. Electric Technologies
  8. Power Electronics
  9. Fundamentals of Power Engineering
  10. Electric & Computer Measurements
  11. Industrial Electric Equipment
  12. Modeling in Technology
  13. Engineering Experiment
  14. Transitional Processes in Power Supply Systems
  15. Fundamentals of Relay Protection & Automatics
  16. Quantum & Optical Electronics
  17. Microchip Engineering
  18. Electric Radio Engineering
  19. Electrical Engineering & Electronics
  20. Radio Engineering
  21. Electronics & Microprocessor Engineering
  22. Physical Fundamentals of Electronics
  23. Vacuum & Plasma Electronics
  24. Solid-State electronics
  25. Materials & Elements of Electronic Devices
  26. Engineering Science
  27. Fundamentals of Microelectronics
  28. Electronic Actuator & Electronic Equipment
  29. Automatics
  30. Fundamentals of Automatics & Computing
  31. Details of Machines & Fundamentals of Construction
  32. Technological Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
  33. Special Chapters of Physics of Metals
  34. Strength of Materials
  35. Theory of Mechanisms & Machines
  36. Technology of Construction Materials
  37. Physics of Metals
  38. Fundamentals of high Technologies
  39. Physics of Dielectrics
  40. Special Workshop in Condensed-State Physics
  41. Special Chapters of Solid-State Physics
  42. Technology of Materials
  43. Fundamentals of Circuit Theory
  44. Technological Workshop
  45. Electronic Properties of Solid Bodies
  46. Engineering Graphics
  47. Engineering & Computer Graphics
  48. Computer Geometry & Graphics
  49. Computer Graphics
  50. Descriptive Geometry & Graphics
  51. Descriptive Geometry & Technical Drawing
  52. Descriptive Geometry & Drawing
  53. Descriptive Geometry & Engineering Graphics

Последнее редактирование: 02-03-2015

Chair of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, & Automatics

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers