List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

  1. Welding Fabrication Automation
  2. Details of Machines & Fundamentals of Construction
  3. Power Supply for Welding
  4. Crystal Physics
  5. Mathematical Modeling & Modern Problems of Sciences Related to Materials & Processes
  6. Material Science & Technologies of Modern & Viable Materials
  7. Methods to Research Materials & Processes
  8. Microscopic Theory of Substance Composition
  9. General Material Science & Technologies of Materials
  10. Production Arrangement & Management
  11. Fundamentals of High Technologies
  12. Fundamentals of Training of Engineers with Term Reporting
  13. Fundamentals of Nanomaterials Crystal Physics
  14. Fundamentals of Automated Welding Fabrication Technologies
  15. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Technologies
  16. Fundamentals of Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces of Solid Bodies
  17. Projection of Welding Constructions
  18. Manufacturing of Welding Constructions
  19. Self-Organization Processes in Condensed Environments
  20. Special Chapters of Contact Welding Technology & Processing
  21. Special Chapters of Fusion Welding Technology & Processing
  22. Special Chapters of Permanent Joints Obtainment
  23. Theory of Combustion & Explosion
  24. Theory of Welding Processes
  25. Theory of Solid Body
  26. Technology of Construction Materials
  27. Technology of Materials & Coatings
  28. Technology of Obtainment of Substances with Predetermined Properties
  29. Technology of Carbon Nanostructures & Composites
  30. Physics of Magnetic Materials
  31. Physics of Semiconductors
  32. Physics of Superconductivity
  33. Solid-State Physics

Последнее редактирование: 06-04-2016, Сорокин Виталий Витальевич

Chair of Material Science & Welding Technology

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers