School of Economics & Mathematics

School of Economics & Mathematics

Our Main Activities:

  • Training of schoolchildren to participation in mathematical contests;
  • Formation and development of schoolchildren’s professional orientation;
  • Formation of schoolchildren’s cognitive interest towards Mathematics;
  • Involvement of schoolchildren in research activities;
  • Training of schoolchildren, who plan to cover natural-science and technical specialties at a university, to take the Unified State Examination in Mathematics and Physics;
  • Arrangement of additional classes and consultations for students to train them for upcoming exams.

Programs Available

1. Mechanics & Mathematics

This program aims to train schoolchildren aged 12-17 for participation in mathematical contests of national, regional, or university level, as well as to develop their creative abilities and cognitive interest towards Mathematics.

Our trainees have won a large number of prizes at mathematical contests; many of them have become students of Russia’s top universities. Any trainee can undertake researches under supervision of top professors of our University.

The program is delivered on a paid basis.

2. Physics & Mathematics

This program aims to train schoolchildren, who plan to cover natural-science and technical specialties at a university, to take the Unified State Examination in Mathematics and Physics level, as well as to develop their creative abilities and cognitive interest towards Mathematics.

Any trainee can get a consultation by top professors of our University.

The program is delivered on a paid basis.

3. Consultant

This program aims to train students for upcoming tests and final exams in the following disciplines:

  • Mathematical Analysis;
  • Linear Algebra;
  • Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics.

The program is delivered on a paid basis.

Baygusheva, Inna Anatolyevna
PhD in Physics & Mathematics, Associate Professor – Director
Address: Room #707, 20a Tatischev Street (Annex to University Main Building), Astrakhan 414056 Russia.

Последнее редактирование: 20-02-2017, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович