List of of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

List of of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

1. Fundamentals of Areal Management & Strategic Planning.
2. Hybrid Methods of Environmental Control.
3. Physical & Chemical Processes in Technosphere.
4. Safe Vital Activities.
5. Safe Roads & Traffic.
6. Ecology.
7. Social Ecology.
8. General Ecology.
9. Criminal Hazards & Ways to Protect from Them.
10. Project Expertise.
11. Ecology & Safe Vital Activities.
12. International Cooperation in Environmental Protection.
13. Regional Ecological Issues.
14. Ecology of Technosphere.
15. Anthropogenic Systems & Ecological Risk.
16. Fundamentals of Nature Management.
17. Regional Nature Management.
18. Engineering Geography.
19. Modern Systems of Nature Management.
20. Safety Fundamentals of Labor.
21. Agricultural Ecology.
22. Natural-Anthropogenic Complexes.
23. Engineering Nature Management.
24. Natural Changes & External Impacts.
25. Hazardous Situations of Anthropogenic Nature & Protection from Them.
26. Modern Nature Management & Geosystems Monitoring.
27. Ecological Management.
28. Management.
29. Information Protection.
30. Safe Vital Activities. Safe Tourism.
31. Economy & Management in Technosphere.
32. Ecological Projection & Expertise.
33. Legal Fundamentals of Nature Management.
34. Economy of Nature Management.
35. Modern Issues of Ecology & Nature Management.
36. History & Methodology of Ecology & Nature Management.
37. Traditional Nature Management in Russia.
38. Landscape Indication.
39. Biology.
40. Biological Diversity.
41. Vegetation Protection.
42. Engineering Biology.
43. Biogeography of Cultural Landscape.
44. Biogeography.
45. Issues of Biological Resources Preservation.

Последнее редактирование: 02-03-2015

Chair of Ecology, Nature & Land Management, & Safe Vital Activities

List of of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers