Fields of Sociological Surveys by Center of Sociological Researches

Fields of Sociological Surveys by Center of Sociological Researches

  • Ethnicity, nationalism, and tolerance;
  • Geopolitical issues of the Caspian Sea Region;
  • Sociology of young people;
  • Social economic researches;
  • Ecological Sociology;
  • Gender surveys;
  • Surveys of boundaries and boundary communities;
  • Sociological researches within Astrakhan State University.

Our Center sets fundamental sociological researches as its top-priority tasks; at the same time, it provides its services for legal entities and individuals to develop, arrange, and carry out the following types of surveys:

  • Marketing researches;
  • Social political researches;
  • Mass media researches;
  • Researches in the field of management.

Последнее редактирование: 26-01-2015

Center of Sociological Survey

Fields of Sociological Surveys by Center of Sociological Researches