
Astrakhan State University has a developed base to conduct fundamental, applied, and experimental research.

Our University has a number of research facilities that interact with innovative and practical implementation units. Our research activities manifest our general research strategy, which implies performance of management, coordination, and legal consultancy functions to administer research and experimental work, technological developments, and research technological services that our Chairs and other units perform.

To coordinate our research and innovative activities, we have our Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities, which includes the Unit of Fundraising & Research Analytics, the Salon of Innovations & Investments, the Unit of D.Sc. Courses & Dissertation Councils, and the Unit of Research & Technical Information. The Directorate also includes a system of research and educational centers and laboratories, which transform our researchers’ fundamental knowledge into industrial technologies.

The main fields and themes of our research and innovative activities relate to various sciences and scientific disciplines.

Our research and innovative activities are funded by grants as part of projects and programs developed by international and national organizations and institutions, as well as by the Federal Ministry of Education & Science and our own assets.

Последнее редактирование: 20-02-2019, Сорокин Виталий Витальевич