How to enter the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens

If you are planning on getting a high-quality higher education in Russia, but you do not know Russian or do not know it well, we suggest you study at the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens.

Information for those who want to enter the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens

The Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University announces the new admission of students for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The Unit provides training for foreign citizens who do not speak Russian and have the right to enter higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, confirmed by the relevant document on education, according to additional general education programs that provide training for the development of professional educational programs in Russian.

During the academic year, students study Russian as a foreign language (612 hours) and subjects of the humanities, engineering, biomedical, natural sciences and economics, which provides high-quality pre-university preparation for higher education in the universities of the Russian

The new admission of students for the 2022-2023 academic year is carried out from June 01, 2022 to December 01, 2022.

The first stage of students’ admission provides for the collection of information about foreign citizens who have expressed a desire to study under pre-university training programs at the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University. A foreign citizen who plans to study at ASU and does not speak Russian, personally or through a representative, should send scanned copies of the following documents to in order to be included in the database of potential students and participate in the selection of candidates:

  • completed ASU application form;
  • copies of documents on education indicating the subjects studied and the grades (points) received on them. If a foreign citizen applying for studying at the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens does not have a document on foreign education and/or foreign qualifications (due to the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in a foreign country), the foreign citizen should submit a document containing information on the results of the last attestation issued to them by an educational organization where they studied on the territory of the host country. Documents of foreign candidates shall be translated into Russian and notarized;
  • copies of the passport pages, on which a foreign citizen will cross the border of the Russian Federation, with a validity of at least 18 months from the date of the entry study visa (clearly readable pages containing the installation data for issuing an invitation);
  • if there is a residence permit or other document permitting the temporary stay of a foreign citizen in the territory of a third state (other than the citizenship of a foreign citizen), this document shall also be submitted in the prescribed manner with a notarized translation into Russian.

The list of candidates is formed in accordance with the preliminary section results.

The second stage of students’ admission provides for the issuance of the invitation letter.

To receive an invitation letter, a foreign citizen who has successfully passed the selection, or his representative located on the territory of Russia will be sent a scanned copy of the contract for paid educational services.

The contract for paid educational services is drawn up in two copies: in Russian and in English. The contract must be signed by the applicant before the start of the invitation procedure, regardless of the age of the foreign citizen. An adult applicant signs the contract independently. The education contract of a minor citizen, in addition to the applicant, is signed by his legal representative (parent, trustee, guardian).

After receiving a signed contract from a candidate, the university sends a receipt for tuition fees. The first payment under the contract in the amount of 50% of the total contract amount shall be made within 5 (five) banking days from the conclusion of the contract on the basis of the invoice issued upon conclusion of the contract.

The subsequent payment for tuition in the amount of 50% of the total contract amount shall be made within 5 (five) banking days upon arrival at the university also on the basis of the issued invoice.

In case of violation of the payment terms, the contract may be terminated by the decision of the university. The terms of payment for education are specified in the contract.

Please note: when paying the fee, banks charge a commission fee — from 0.5 to 3% of the payment amount.

After receiving a receipt for payment of 50% of the tuition fee, the candidate for education or his representative will receive the details for payment of the state fee for issuing an invitation.

The original payment receipt must be delivered to 20A Tatishchev str., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation, Dormitory No.1, Room 9, Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens.

Next, you have to send the following documents to

After receiving all the documents, the university transfers them to the migration service for issuing an invitation. A state fee of 800 rubles is required.

Please note that travel tickets to the place of study are NOT PURCHASED UNTIL YOU RECEIVE an OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION OF THE INVITATION ISSUANCE!

After receiving an invitation to study, a foreign citizen must apply to the Russian Embassy or Russian consulate in his country of residence to obtain a visa. Only after that, you can purchase travel tickets to the place of study.

Upon arrival in Russia, Astrakhan, a foreign citizen must PERSONALLY submit the following documents to the university:

1. originals of educational documents indicating the subjects studied and the grades (points) obtained on them. The educational documents must be translated into Russian. Depending on the country, the educational documents must be legalized. The procedure for legalizing
documents is carried out before arrival in Russia in the country of issue of the educational document.  Please check the need for the procedure of legalization of documents and the type of legalization (apostille or consular certification) with the staff of the Preliminary Training Unit
for Foreign Citizens of ASU or on the website: (in Russian) or (in English);

2. medical report confirming the absence of contraindications for studying in Russian Federation issued by the official body of the candidate's country of residence, with a translation into Russian, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

3. medical certificate confirming the absence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS disease issued by the official body of the candidate's country of residence, with a translation into Russian, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

4. medical certificate confirming the absence of coronavirus infection COVID-19.

It is possible that due to the changing situation with the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection, these regulations will be adjusted.



Последнее редактирование: 10-08-2022, Тутаринова Наталия Анатолиевна