ASU Keeps Cooperating with Yandex in Artificial Intelligence

ASU Keeps Cooperating with Yandex in Artificial Intelligence

The interaction of Astrakhan State University with the multibusiness company began this June: ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov and Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovation and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov held working meetings with its representatives on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

As part of the first steps of cooperation, the university got the opportunity to enter the Yandex grant programme which provides computing power for scientific research in the field of machine learning. In addition, professors of Astrakhan State University were able to join the course on machine learning from Yandex and MIPT on the Coursera platform free-of-charge.

The organizations continued their cooperation with the start of the new academic year: the technology company has been supporting the educational process by providing ASU students with promotional codes for using the Yandex Cloud platform as part of their study of subjects “BigData Analytics” and “Intelligent Systems and Technologies”.

According to Head of the Artificial Intelligence Project Office and lecturer of these subjects Aleksandr Koshkarov, students have the opportunity to study modern technological tools for working with big data using artificial intelligence technologies.

Artificial Intelligence Project Office