All-Russian competition on artificial intelligence and information technologies for the encyclopaedia "Knowledge.Wiki"

All-Russian competition on artificial intelligence and information technologies for the encyclopaedia

Students of V.N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University, young specialists, startup teams are invited to compete for hackathon prizes.

All-Russian competition on artificial intelligence and information technologies for the encyclopaedia "Knowledge.Wiki"
As part of the competition, participants will have to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in analysing and examining the content, quality and reliability of the text, as well as in checking the relevance of information sources. To take part in the competition it is necessary to register on the site знаниехакатон.рф until 10 May.

The teams that make it to the finals will face challenges in artificial intelligence, language models, information security and information retrieval methods, data encoding and translation. The finalists of the competition will receive commemorative prizes from the "Znanie.Wiki" project of the Russian Society "Znanie" and gift courses from the GlobalSkill educational platform of the Centre of Competences in Education and Acceleration of the CIS 2030 Intergovernmental Programme.

The final of the All-Russian competition on artificial intelligence and information technologies for the encyclopedia "Znanie.Wiki" will be held on 28 May.

The winners of the finals will be offered five budget places in the Master's programme at the Institute of Information Technologies and Digital Transformation of the Kosygin Russian State University. All winning teams will be invited to participate in the forum "Znanie.Wiki" in the Knowledge Centre "Mashuk", and will be able to make a video business card about themselves in one of the 10 regional studios of the Russian Society "Znanie".

The competition is organised by the Russian Society "Znanie", Kosygin State University of Russia, the Centre of Competences in Education and Acceleration of the Interstate Programme of Innovation Cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2030. The event was organised in partnership with the Main Radio Frequency Centre under the jurisdiction of Roskomnadzor, the National Centre for Artificial Intelligence Development under the Government of the Russian Federation, ANO National Priorities, Skolkovo Foundation, the Association of Accelerators and Business Incubators, and the GlobalSkill educational platform.

Information Policy and Public Relations Department


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