Day of Open Doors for Prospective Students of ASU

Day of Open Doors for Prospective Students of ASU

On January 17, 2016, the Day of Open Doors for prospective students of Astrakhan State University has been held.

This traditional event has included two shifts to attract more young people and their parents. At the entrance to the University Main Building, our guests were met by our volunteer students, who accompanied them and gave them the event program and profession-orienting materials.

The official part of the event held in the Assembly Hall of the Main Building of ASU was at the same time broadcast in two neighboring lecture halls. Prof. Alexander Lunyov, Acting Rector of ASU, has given our young guests a welcoming speech; he emphasized the importance of the Day of Open Doors and thanked them for choosing Astrakhan State University. “For the last years, our University has been working to form the concept of involving both our professors and students into the educational process on equal terms. We strive to make all the participants of such activities feel pride for what they’re doing”, he pointed out.

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of ASU, has told about specific features of the upcoming 2016 Admission Campaign. As for Prof. Alexander Treshyov (our Vice Rector for Academic Activities), Prof. Anna Fedotova (our Vice Rector for Research Activities), and Dr. Nikolay Khurchak (our Vice Rector for International Relations), they have informed our guests about the major activities of ASU in details.

In the second block of the official part, young people and their parents could ask the University management any question relating to admission and enrolment terms (the cost of studies, admission of people with special needs, enrolment on budget-funded terms, etc.). At the end of the general meeting, there was a concert arranged by our students and a contest of young talents. Then anyone could talk with Deans of Departments, who shall certainly be glad to see our today’s guests among tomorrow’s students of our University.

Russian original information source: the University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)


Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)