Our Department of Foreign Languages Trains Teachers of Secondary Schools

Our Department of Foreign Languages Trains Teachers of Secondary Schools

In middle January 2016, the methodical seminar “Training of Secondary School Students to Take Unified State Examination in English” for schoolteachers has taken place at the Department of Foreign Languages of Astrakhan State University.

The seminar has been developed by three key members of our faculty staff: Dr. Nadezhda Emelyanova (Dean of our Department), Dr. Marina Kitik (one of our Associate Professors), and Ms. Svetlana Uzhakina (a Junior Professor of our Department). All of them are federal experts of the Astrakhan Regional USE Commission in English Language.

The trainees have learnt much information about the procedure of delivering the USE in foreign languages in 2016, as well as about efficient preparation techniques. They have also taken part in a workshop that concerned specific features of assignments that the USE in English includes this year.

The participants have highly appreciated the value of the learnt information and wished they continued their professional training at our University.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Foreign Languages of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)