Happy Holiday, Dear Students!

Happy Holiday, Dear Students!

Dear students of Astrakhan State University, these congratulations on Tatiana Day are addressed to you.

Dr. Roman Kozyrkov, Director of the Znamensk Branch of ASU

Students have always been peculiar people – quite adventurous, merry, and carefree, but eager to get knowledge and really promising. So many outstanding people used to be students, and there may be someone among you as well who would make a great discovery, and the world would be lighter and better. I’d like to wish you happy studies and easily passed exams, good marks and memorable moments, which you’d remember many years later. My congratulations on the Students’ Day! Please be a bit more industrious, and you’ll achieve everything, as you are our future! Have a smart holiday!

Prof. Oxana Mineva, Dean of the Department of Business & Economics

Our Department congratulates all our students on their merry and mirthful holiday!

While you’re students, that’s one of the most splendid and fleeting periods in your lives. I wish you interesting studies, easily passed exams, and high yields of the knowledge you got. May your young ardor never run out, and may your good friends, whom you met when you were students, always be with you!

Dr. Nikolay Vybornov, Dean of the Department of Physics & Technology

Each of us faces physical phenomena since our very birth, but quite few of us think about their nature. Once you decided to join our Department of Physics & Technology, you’re not just a future highly-skilled specialist – you’re a curious, inquisitive person.

While we all are celebrating the Students’ Day, I’d like to congratulate everyone who’s getting a higher education and mastering any socially important profession. I wish you good health, successful passing all your exams and final tests, joy, new discoveries, and successfully defended diploma papers. May you achieve everything and anything easily and naturally, may your dreams come true, and may your student years be far from being difficult and boring. While you’re a student, that’s the best time of your life! Have a good holiday!

Prof. Alexey Tyrkov, Dean of the Chemical Department

Although frost and snowstorm are reigning outdoors, they can’t spoil this holiday. We’re celebrating the Tatiana Day, the Day of Students. I wholeheartedly congratulate all the students of Astrakhan State University on the Tatiana Day! Good luck in your studies, joy and happiness! May all your dreams and wishes come true!

Dr. Boris Kaygorodov, Dean of the Department of Psychology

My congratulations on the Tatiana Day! Good luck, inspiration, easily passed exams, and bright impressions – these are my wishes! Less sadness, more joy and laughter! Never forget: all passes by, and only your memories will remain. May your student years be the most pleasant memory in your lives, and may this day be the most memorable and the merriest one for you!

Dr. Natalya Andryushina, Dean of the Department of Architecture & Design

My dear friends, let me congratulate you on your holiday!

Student years are the brightest years in one’s life: that’s the time of new discoveries, making true friends, and meeting a real love. That’s the time when you learn to make decisions yourself and make your first steps in your professional activities. Overcome all the hurdles, gain new knowledge, and be worthy citizens of our great country. May your student life be full of breathtaking events, interesting talks, and inexhaustible ardor. Never be afraid to make the most ambitious plans, but remember that only professionals can bring them to fruition. Good luck in your studies, sound health, and smart prospects – that’s what I’m wishing you!

Dr. Elena Savelyeva, Dean of the Law Department

The entire progress, positive spirit, creative thinking, and inventiveness (to say nothing of humor, sparkling and cheerful mood) have always dwelled and (I’m sure) shall always dwell on the best part of the humankind – on students. Have a great holiday! But for you, our lives would be boring and grey. My love and my best wishes!

Russian original information source: the University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)