Team of ASU Wins International Competition in Farsi

Team of ASU Wins International Competition in Farsi

The 12th International Persian Language Olympiad has recently been held at Lomonosov Moscow State University; students of the Department of Foreign Languages of ASU have won it.

The competition has included four contests: written translation, listening comprehension, essay writing, and oral interpretation. The team of Astrakhan State University, whose members were Albert Yagudeev and Yuvenaliy Serykh, has taken part in all the stages of the Olympiad. Albert and Yuvenaliy have gained the maximal scores, thus having surpassed 11 universities (including Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, the MGIMO University, the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State Linguistic University, etc.). As a result, our people have taken the 1st place.

This event, which has united a number of universities of Russia and nearby countries, has been arranged by the Cultural Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Russia and by the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 2006, this event has been uniting students from all over Russia. Students of Astrakhan State University are regular participants of the Olympiad; they have taken many prizes, including the first place.


Let us congratulate the two winners of this prestigious competition!


Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Foreign Languages of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)