Week of Spanish Language & Culture at ASU

Week of Spanish Language & Culture at ASU

The Week of Spanish Language & Culture has passed at the Department of Foreign Languages of Astrakhan State University.

Each day of the Week has been dedicated to various aspects: Spanish film direction, Spain’s traditional holidays, famous Spaniards, the Spanish cuisine, etc. Anyone could learn a lot about the sunny country, see and touch various exhibits taken to Astrakhan from Spain, and talk with native speakers. Besides, the event has included amusing contests and master classes, as well as trying of Spanish dishes cooked by students of ASU. Bright and stirring dances and songs performed by our future specialists in Spanish, as well as by our future biologists, original scene plays, educational films and videos, smart posters – all those things could not leave the guests indifferent. Thanks to tasty Spanish dishes, anyone could feel the true spirit of Spain.

Dr. Elena Donchenko, Head of our Chair of Romanic Philology, has opened the event, while Dr. Nadezhda Emelyanova (Dean of our Department of Foreign Languages) has closed it by granting letters of thanks and memorable presents to the event participants.

Nadezhda Batkaeva and Margarita Vartanyan, who have arranged the event and who teach Spanish at ASU, would like to thank our students, colleagues, and guests who took part in organization of Week of Spanish Language & Culture.

Russian original information and photo source: the Chair of Romanic Philology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)