Our Students Win QCTF Starter – 2016 Contest in Information Security

Our Students Win QCTF Starter – 2016 Contest in Information Security

The national contest in information security “QCTF Starter – 2016” recently took place in Astrakhan. Students of the Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies took part in this event.

The Contest hosted by Astrakhan State Technical University united 12 teams; three of them were from ASU. The 1st place was taken by the Clanculum team of Astrakhan State University (Dmitry Sharov, Alexey Chestnov, Vladislav Korneev, and Anastasia Merkulova). The 2nd and the 3rd places were gained by teams of ASU as well (the 1337_team (Alexander Belobrov, Nikita Poletaev, and Nikita Vasilyev) and the Sacramentum Mundo team (Alexander Suslov, Sergey Stepin, Nikita Volkov, and Alexander Prikhodko) respectively), haring shared them with teams of Astrakhan State Technical University.

Студенты ФМиИТ вошли в число победителей QCTF Starter – 2016

Студенты ФМиИТ вошли в число победителей QCTF Starter – 2016

Let us congratulate our winners on their success!

Russian original information and photo source: the Chair of Information Security of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)