Historical & Musical Composition in Honor of Day of Victory

Historical & Musical Composition in Honor of Day of Victory

On May 04, 2017, a special event dedicated to the upcoming Day of Victory took place in the reading hall of the Scientific Library of Astrakhan State University.

Историко-музыкальная композиция в честь Дня победы

The audience – faculty, administrative staff, and students of ASU – could enjoy a historical and musical composition “History of Great Patriotic War in Music” prepared by Professor Vladimir Kornilyevich Karpasyuk. He demonstrated slides in the prehistory and history of World War 2, which included interesting figures, facts, and examples. The demonstration was accompanied with Prof. Karpasyuk’s brief and precise comments.

The “musical comments” of those tragic and heroic times were very expressive and emotional, too. The presenter selected songs of the prewar, war, and postwar times, as well as extracts from symphonies, in a professional way, with love, respect, and a strong feeling of patriotism and pride for the Soviet soldier, who smashed Nazi Germany.

Warmhearted words of gratitude and a storm of applause were a deserved award for Prof. Karpasyuk, as he awoke warm feelings (with a slight touch of sadness) and the audience enjoyed the well-made and professionally presented composition.

Историко-музыкальная композиция в честь Дня победы

Our congratulations of the Day of Great Victory, dear friends and colleagues!

Russian original information source: L.Ya. Podvoyskiy (the Department of Social Communications of ASU)

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)