Conference in Pedagogical Science & Education

Conference in Pedagogical Science & Education

The Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education has held the 2nd International Applied Scientific Conference “Pedagogical Science & Education in Dialogue with Time” in Commemoration of Prof. Valeriy Alexandrovich Pyatin, ex-Rector of Astrakhan State University.

The event was initiated by the Chair of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education of the Department of Additional Professional Education of ASU.

78 delegates from Russia (Astrakhan, Moscow, Yelets, Stavropol, Yalta, Gurzuf, Makhachkala, Znamensk, Kamyzyak, etc.), as well as from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkmenistan, and Australia took part in the Conference.

Top officials of ASU – Prof. Galina Stefanova (First Vice Rector – Vice Rector for Main Activities) and Prof. Alexander Treshyov (Vice Rector for Academic Activities) – gave their welcoming speeches to the delegates.

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Prof. Galina Fayzieva, Director of the Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education, gave a report at the Plenary Session. The theme of her report was “Introduction of V. A. Pyatin’s Ideas into Practice of Astrakhan’s & Astrakhan Region’s Educational Institutions”.

The range of considered issues was quite wide: the delegates’ reports concerned the theory and the methodology of professional education, pedagogical innovations, organization of educational process at various institutions, etc.

At the end of the Conference, there was a roundtable to summarize its outcomes and give the delegates their certificates of participation and published collections of their research papers.

Russian original information source: L. M. Milyaeva (the Chair of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education of ASU)

Russian original photo source: the Chair of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)