Professional Retraining for Veterinarians of Astrakhan

Professional Retraining for Veterinarians of Astrakhan

Professional retraining courses “Safety Procedures to Research Pathogens of Animal Diseases of 2nd to 4th Degrees of Danger” have taken place at the Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education of Astrakhan State University.

The Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education of ASU is constantly enhancing its techniques and methods to deliver professional training courses to meet the changing needs of its trainees, who can choose their individual paths of education: its contents, duration, time preferred, etc., depending on their professional needs, opportunities, and current expertise.

The customer of the above-mentioned course is Astrakhan Regional Veterinary Laboratory, whose members of staff became our trainees.

The program of the distance module helped the trainees analyze the current legislation concerning diagnostics of animals’ especially dangerous diseases. As for the full-time classes, which were delivered as issue-focused lectures and discussions, they concerned the main types of pathogenic biological objects of the 2nd to 4th degrees of danger, techniques to identify and diagnose them, as well as sanitary and epidemiologic regulations of biological safety and protection while dealing with pathogenic microorganisms in labs.

The trainees highly appreciated the level of teaching, as well as the topical contents of the program and a distinct organization of the educational process.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)