Event Dedicated to Heydar Aliyev, Late President of Azerbaijan, Held at ASU

Event Dedicated to Heydar Aliyev, Late President of Azerbaijan, Held at ASU

A roundtable for young people representing the Azerbaijani diaspora in Russia has been held at Astrakhan State University. Adalyat Guseynov, Chairperson of the Astrakhan Office of the Azerbaijani Congress in Russia, has been its distinguished guest.

The event was dedicated to Heydar Aliyev, an outstanding politician and national president. On May 10, he could have celebrated his 95th birthday. As this date is coming nearer, the roundtable participants remembered his life and political activities.

Adalyat Guseynov remarked that it was very pleasant for him to come to ASU to participate in this event: “This is the best and the dearest university for me. Many thanks to the event organizers”. The guest told about his work under Heydar Aliyev’s supervision. He confessed that he regards himself as a disciple of the great politician. By the way, it is Adalyat Guseynov who heads Heydar Aliyev’s Fund in Astrakhan. The fund has realized a number of large projects in Astrakhan, including opening of a monument in honor of Heydar Aliyev in the city park that bears his name.

В АГУ прошло мероприятие, посвящённое лидеру Азербайджана Гейдару Алиеву

The roundtable was followed with a rare video presentation of the leader of Azerbaijan telling about his vision of the Caspian Sea Region’s development.

Students of ASU performed concert numbers dedicated to the Azerbaijani people and their outstanding leader. The numbers were performed in both Russian and Azerbaijani. A general photo of the event participants was taken at the end of the meeting.

В АГУ прошло мероприятие, посвящённое лидеру Азербайджана Гейдару Алиеву

В АГУ прошло мероприятие, посвящённое лидеру Азербайджана Гейдару Алиеву

В АГУ прошло мероприятие, посвящённое лидеру Азербайджана Гейдару Алиеву

В АГУ прошло мероприятие, посвящённое лидеру Азербайджана Гейдару Алиеву

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)