Events in Honor of Day of Victory Go On at ASU

Events in Honor of Day of Victory Go On at ASU

On May 07, the concert “Day of Victory” took place at the Department of Psychology of Astrakhan State University.

The event initiated by our Chair of Conflict Studies & Organizational Psychology was arranged by our students. Its main goal was to contribute to spiritual and moral development of young people.

The holiday began with a performance of the Russian national anthem and a speech by Prof. Boris Kaygorodov, Dean of our Department of Psychology. Reverend Valentin, Senior Priest of the Church of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, congratulated everyone on the holiday. In his turn, Major General Grigory Fedko told about his service at war and his awards. The students thanked the guests; they presented them flowers and performed concert numbers.

В АГУ продолжаются мероприятия ко Дню Победы

Students of Astrakhan’s secondary schools came to the event; they recited poems and ran small contests. The participants of the concert honored the memory of those who perished in World War 2 with a minute of silence. They also laid flowers at the Alley of Military Glory.

В АГУ продолжаются мероприятия ко Дню Победы

The holiday was also of educational character. Its participants took part in a quiz dedicated to the War and sang popular songs of those years together.

The concert lasted two hours, but its participants did not want to leave it. Our Chair of Conflict Studies & Organizational Psychology is planning to make this event a good tradition. Our students are already preparing their concert numbers for the next honoring of the heroes of World War 2.

В АГУ продолжаются мероприятия ко Дню Победы

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Psychology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)