Astrakhan State University Closes Its 3-Day Dance Marathon

Astrakhan State University Closes Its 3-Day Dance Marathon

The ASU Cultural Centre perfectly held a student socialization project in the form of "dances without borders". Representatives of all faculties prepared their dances and impressed the audience with new facets of their talents.

As it was in the previous socialization project, the selection of ideas and themes was almost unlimited. For example, the Faculty of Architecture & Design created the atmosphere of a modernized ball of vampires, while future lawyers performed flamenco in their specific way.

The diversity of genres and styles created a breathtaking onstage atmosphere: everyone was fascinated by disco from the Faculty of Physical Training & Sports, salsa and tango from the Biological Faculty and a mixture of classics and street dances from the Historical Faculty.

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Besides, there was a variety of topics from positive and cheerful to quite serious, almost philosophic and expressed with rhythm and plasticity. The Faculty of Psychology merged the audience into a broken and tense world of insane persons, while the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work made a small dance biblical performance.

Each participant contributed to this 3-day dance festival with his/her talent and mastership. The devotion and inspiration of the dancers, organizers, make-up experts, stage directors, soundmen and lighting engineers allowed to make another brilliant show the audience will keep the most pleasant memories about.

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