
Students’ Scientific Council

University education is not just studies and examinations; it is also a bright and amazing student life, thanks to which years spent at the University become the most memorable and the brightest period of one’s young life.

Talented young people study at Astrakhan State University; they carry out a number of projects aimed to develop creativity, leadership competencies, personal and professional skills; their activities contribute to the general development of our University. Our students can join a number of programs in various fields (sports, sciences, arts, volunteering, etc.) and become not just their participant, but their leader as well, thus contributing to promotion of student initiatives. Joining student councils, one can contribute to both general administration of ASU and its particular projects (socialization projects, scene performance programs, education quality monitoring, organization of international and national forums, sports competitions, charity events, ecological sites, agricultural activities, etc.).

Traditionally, all the activities that ASU performs, be that academic, research, or international activities, are based on a close interaction between our faculty and students, as we believe in our students and trust their decision-making, which will influence both their and our future.

Последнее редактирование: 01-02-2023, Сидоров Сергей Владимирович