Librarian and Publishing Complex

Contact details

Address: Annex to University Building No. 1, 20a Tatishchev Str., 3rd floor.

Phone: 8 (8512) 24-66-60 (internal number 257)

ASU scientific library has a huge collection of Russian and foreign books. It comprises 1 mln. printed documents and more than 2 mln. e-documents that may be accessed for educational purposes not only through university computers but through any network access point.

The library complex structure offers specialized reading rooms, membership cards, electronic resources centers arranged in all the university buildings. The library areas are equipped with wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) available for all the visitors for free. In the main university building students and teachers may use comfortable working spaces with access to electronic resources, leisure areas, co-working spaces. The library sections comprise about 500 thousand publications in Russian and foreign languages on all the subject areas, a unique collection of rare books and the university teachers’ research papers.

You may find detailed information on the library, its activity, events and current projects at the website: The library also has social media accounts.

Последнее редактирование: 15-03-2023, Сорокин Виталий Витальевич