Our Sports Facilities

1. Indoor sports facilities, including:

  • Our sports facility located right in University Building #5; there are also a universal gym, a gym for particular sports (gymnastics, fitness, dancing), and a gym apparatus premise;
  • Indoor sports facilities located right in University Building #1 (Main Building); there is also a universal game gym;
  • Indoor sports facilities located right in University Building #2; there is also a universal game gym;
  • Indoor sports facilities located right in University Buildings located on 96 S. Perovskoy Str.; there is also a universal game gym;
  • Our sports facility located right in Hostel #3; there is also a gym apparatus premise.

2. Outdoor sports facilities, including:

  • Facilities located on 96 S. Perovskoy Str. (a track-and-field site with a running track and with a sector for long jumps; a football field; a site for volleyball, for basketball, etc.; an outdoor site with various gymnastic apparatus);
  • Facilities located on 20 Tatischev Str. (a football field; a site for volleyball, for basketball, for badminton, for mini football, for handball, etc.; a tennis court).

Our sports facilities are applied:

  • for our educational process (classes of Physical Training);
  • for our students' and staff's recreation and improvement of their skills in sports;
  • for sports events of different level (competitions and contests within our University or between different universities; regional or city sports events);
  • for people of Astrakhan to go in for sports;
  • for activities performed by our sports clubs.

All our sports facilities work from 08.00 a.m. to 09.00 p.m. of local time.

Последнее редактирование: 31-03-2016, Сорокин Виталий Витальевич