Main Goals of Institute of Physics & Mathematics

1. Development of new links between industries and universities by:
  • attracting students to work in the field of industry-related researches in summer or on part-time terms;
  • involving students into industrial R & D activities;
  • reaching agreements to provide consulting services for industrial enterprises and companies by our faculty and research staff;
  • attracting staff of industrial enterprises and companies to join research and educational actiuvities that are performed by universities;
  • launching joint laboratories for universities and for industrial enterprises.
2. Encouraging the development of research and educational establishments, which are oriented to train future PhDs and which are in close contact with research institutions – affiliates of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
3. Creation of technical parks and innovative infrastructure at ASU, incubators of technologies, which should help commercialize the results of our researches and to turn them into real profitable products.
4. Formation of strategic partnership system with industry, business, and the Russian Academy of Sciences, which includes:
  • extended interaction with RAS institutes and launch of joint facilities;
  • attraction of existing small high-tech enterprises to implement innovative developments, launch of new venture companies;
  • joint activities with large domestic and multinational industrial companies.
5. Participation in federal and regional programs and grants; realization of a continuous educational system on the base of fundamental knowledge (general secondary schools - bachelor programs - master programs - PhD programs - D.Sc. programs - retraining programs); availability of structural units within such a system (specialized centers of education and research, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, retraining facilities); coordination and arrangement of such units throughout our city and outside it.
Our main task is to train specialists of a new type, who would be able to set and solve educational, research, and technological tasks by themselves, to combine leadership and teamworking skills. We set the following requirements that any of our graduates must meet:
  • professional knowledge;
  • leadership skills;
  • teamworking skills;
  • being fully aware of their own abilities;
  • high-level knolwedge of new ICT.
6. Integration of science, education, and society.
  • fundamental researches;
  • applied researches;
  • new technologies.
  • bachelors;
  • masters;
  • extra education;
  • PhD courses;
  • D.Sc. courses.
  • educational services;
  • new knowledge;
  • high-tech goods;
  • ICT services.

Последнее редактирование: 01-09-2018, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович