Center of Viable Technologies in Electronics & Robotics

Региональный центр нанотехнологий и наноиндустрии АГУThe Regional Center of Nanotechnologies & Nanoindustry of Astrakhan State University was established in 2006 upon the Decree by the government of Astrakhan Region. It was founded by the faculty staff of our Chair of Electronics & Material Science.

The Center of Nanotechnologies & Nanoindustry, the Laboratory “Condensed State Physics & New Research Methods in Material Science” run jointly with the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Chair of Material Science & Technology of Nanostructured Environments form the Research & Educational Center / Educational Innovative Facility specializing in Nanotechnologies.

Our tasks are as follows:

  • Undertaking of fundamental and applied researches in top-priority fields;
  • Execution of innovative projects; introduction of the obtained results, their marketing and their application in our educational process;
  • Training of researches of top qualification; training of specialists for hi-tech industries;
  • Development of the technological base of nanoindustry in Astrakhan Region.

Our key fields of R & D:

  • Carbon nanotubes;
  • Metal carbon nanocomposites;
  • Design of nanoceramic materials and unique devices based on them;
  • Nanostructured formations in biological liquids;
  • Creation and technological and research equipment.

Our Center has undertaken researches of fields to apply carbon nanotubes in welding processes, which is essential for Astrakhan Region. The undertaken researches aimed to enhance the quality of weld joints in shipbuilding. New data related to impact of nanotubes upon characteristics of weld joints have been obtained.

Региональный центр нанотехнологий и наноиндустрии АГУ Региональный центр нанотехнологий и наноиндустрии АГУ

The Regional Center of Nanotechnologies & Nanoindustry is the cluster-forming base for innovative growth of Astrakhan Region’s economy. The NILM-NM, one of small innovative enterprises that operate at Astrakhan State University, has been established. The technical and technological approaches suggested by the NILS-NM Enterprise make it possible to organize a feasible production of carbon Nanomaterials (nanotubes) whose quality level meets requirements set by consumers.

Our developments have been awarded with a silver medal and with two golden medals at the 2007 Moscow International Salon of Innovations & Investments, as well as with a diploma of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent).

Mikhaylov, Ivan Viktorovich
Director of Center
Address: Room #225, 20a Tatischev Str., Astrakhan 414056 Russia.
Phone: +7-8512-24-66-44; +7-961-054-90-66.

Последнее редактирование: 22-11-2018, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович