Our Research & Educational Units


Mirror Laboratory for Fishery Cluster

Research Laboratory of Biotechnologies

Joint Laboratory for Researching Apoptosis Role in Formation of Neuroendocrinal System

Research & Development Laboratory "Cotton Breeding and Grain Crops"

Research & Testing Laboratory for Ichthyopathological Studies and Complex Approbation of Drugs

Research & Educational Laboratory "Selection and Seed Breeding for Agriculture Crops"

Sturgeon Breeding Research & Educational Center

Research & Educational Center of Molecular Biology & Bioengineering

Joint Research & Development Laboratory of Fundamental & Applied Issues of Biochemistry & Veterinary Medicine in Volga-Caspian Region at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University & Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry

Educational Experimental Facility "Nachalo"

Engineering Maintenance Unit

Unit of Agrarian Technologies

Educational & Manufacturing Laboratory of Agricultural Industrial Technologies & Nutrition

Center of Geoinformation Systems

Public Access Center "Caspian Agrotechnological Analytical Center"



Center for Researching the Issues of the Caspian Macro Region Integrated Security and Counteracting Terrorism and Extremism

Caspian Research Center of Russian History

Center for Researching History of Lower Volga Region during Soviet Period

Department of Strategic Research of Eurasia



Laboratory for Ecosystems Modelling and Bio-Informatics

Research Laboratory "Mathematical Modeling & ICT in Science & Education"

Joint Research Laboratory of Construction & Physicochemical Research of Oxide Magnetic Materials at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University & Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Research & Development Laboratory "Mathematical Modeling of Economic and Social Processes"

Research & Educational Center "Alternative Energy"

Research & Educational Center “Rational Application of Natural Resources”

Joint Laboratory "Nonlinear Hydrodynamics" with the Institute for Solid State Physics (Chernogolovka, Moscow Region)

Project Office "Artificial Intelligence"

Machine Learning Unit

Artificial Intelligence Development & Implementation Unit

Artificial Intelligence Student Laboratory

Public Access Center "Advanced Technologies in Electronics and Robotics"

Laboratory for Assembling and Testing Full-Scale Models and Prototypes

Public Access Center "3D Research of Movement Biomechanics"



Biological Faculty


Chair of Biotechnology, Zoology, & Aquaculture

Chair of Botany, Biology of Ecosystems, & Land Resources

Chair "Soil Science, Land Management & Cadasters"

Chair of Physiology, Morphology, Genetics, & Biomedicine

Academic Laboratory "Zoological Museum"

Academic Laboratory of Functional Nutrition

Faculty of Geology & Geography

Chair of Geography, Cartography, GIS Technologies

Chair of Wellsite Geology, Hydrogeology, & Geochemistry of Combustible Fossils

Chair of Ecology, Nature & Land Management, & Safe Vital Activities

School of Ecology & Geography

Center of Ecology & Geography Expertise

Historical Faculty

Chair of Foreign History & Regional Studies

Chair of Russia's History

Chair of Regional History at Astrakhan Museum-Reserve

Museum of ASU History

Historical Informatics Center

School "Lower Volga Archaeology"

Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine

Chair of Agricultural Technologies, Engineering, & Agribusiness

Chair of Veterinary Medicine

Chair of Veterinary & Sanitary Expertise of Animal Breeding & Plant Cultivation Produce

Chair of Zootechny & Agricultural Produce Processing Technology

Educational Diagnostic and Treatment Center for Veterinary Medicine "Univet"

Faculty of Architecture & Design

Chair of Architecture

Chair of Design

Academic Laboratory of Industrial Design

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Academy of Foreign Languages: from English to Japanese

Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation

Chair of English Language for Humanities

Chair of English Language for Social Communications & Law

Chair of English Language for Economics

Chair of English Language & Technical Translation

Chair of English Philology

Chair of Asian Languages

Chair of German Philology

Chair of Romanic Philology

Research and Educational Center of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics and Foreign Languages Teaching Technique 

Center of Farsi & Iran Studies

Center of Chinese Language & Culture

Center of International Tests in French Language

Sector of Russian-Asian Cooperation

Center of Turkish Language

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work

Chair of Preschool & Primary School Education

Chair of Remedial Pedagogy

Chair of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education

Chair of Social Pedagogics & Psychology

Research Methodical Center for Youth-Related Activities

Fusion Dance Studio

Academic Laboratory of Multimedia Didactics

Training Center of Restaurant Service & Hospitality

Magister Posterum Center of Pedagogical Staff’s Continuing Education

School of Sewing Craft

Faculty of Psychology

Chair of Conflict Studies & Organizational Psychology

Chair of General & Cognitive Psychology

Chair of Applied Psychology

Psychological Service

Faculty of Social Communications

Chair of Studies & Researches in Culture

Chair of Political Science & International Relations

Chair of Sociology

Chair of Philosophy

Center of Sociological Survey

Center of Theological Education and Intellectual Culture

Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering

ASU Industrial Chair of High Technologies and Physical Methods for Materials Analysis at the Institute for Solid State Physics (Chernogolovka, Moscow Region)

Chair of Mathematics & Mathematics Teaching Technique

School of Economics & Mathematics

Chair of Material Science & Welding Technology

Chair of General Physics

Chair of Theoretical Physics & Physics Teaching Technique

Chair of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, & Automatics

Laboratory for Material Science and Technical Control

Unit of Technical Support of Educational Process

Center of Schoolchildren's Modern Competencies Development 

Faculty of Physical Training & Sports

Chair of Games in Sports & Adaptive Physical Training

Chair of Physical Training

Faculty of Philology & Journalism

Chair of Literature

Chair of Russian as a Foreign Language

Chair of Modern Russian Language

Chair of Theory & History of Journalism

Chair of Media Resources Management at Astrakhan Regional Channel "Astrakhan-24"

Dialectological Laboratory 

Academic Laboratory of Professional Speech Communications

Center of Linguistic Expertise

Faculty of Digital Technologies & Cybersecurity

Chair of Information Security

Chair of Digital Technologies

Chair of Applied Mathematics & Information Science

Chair of Digital Medicine Systems & Technologies

CISCO Laboratory

Educational Center "Applied Geometry"

Faculty of Economics & Management

Chair of State & Municipal Administration, Accounting, & Auditing

Chair of Management

Chair of World Economy & Finances

Chair "National Security"

Chair of Economic Theory

Academic Laboratory of Modeling & Situational Analysis of Logistic Processes

Center of Entrepreneurship

Chemical Faculty

Chair of Organic, Inorganic, & Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Chair of Analytical & Physical Chemistry

Law Faculty

Industrial Chair of Competition Law

Chair of State Legal Disciplines

Chair of Civil Law

Chair of Corporate Law

Chair of International Law

Chair of Theory & History of State & Law

Chair of Criminal Law

Center of Mediation & Law





Chair of Pedagogics, Psychology, & Humanitarian Disciplines

Chair of Mathematics & ICT

Laboratory "Project Methods in Education"

Последнее редактирование: 12-07-2023, Тутаринова Наталия Анатолиевна