Chair of International Law

Our Chair is an educational and research center that develops both fundamental and applied issues of international public and private law, as well as comparative jurisprudence.

Besides disciplines in International Law developed by our faculty staff, our students are to master two foreign languages. There is an intensive language training throughout the entire academic process. Studies include coverage of both classical legal disciplines and special courses that are delivered not only by our faculty, but also by professors from other Russian and foreign universities (including courses to be covered in a foreign language).As for practical training, all our students cover it at Astrakhan Region's legal authorities and top business companies whose activities involve intense international cooperation. Our faculty staff closely cooperates with regional migration authorities and trains its students to participate in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (one of the world's most prestigious competitions in International Law) on an annual basis.

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers


Goverdovskaya, Tatyana Vladimirovna

PhD in Law, Associate Professor – Head of Chair

Address: Room #311, 20a Tatischev Str., Astrakhan 414056 Russia.
Phones: +7-8512-

Последнее редактирование: 30-12-2019, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович