List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers

Specialty 050711 “Social Pedagogics”
  • Workshop in Psychology & Pedagogics
  • Fundamentals of Future Profession
  • Ethnic Pedagogics of Astrakhan Region
  • Fundamentals of Multicultural Education
  • Studies of Ethnic Pedagogical Environment of Multicultural Region
  • Psychology of Health
  • Pedagogical Conflict Studies
  • Media Psychology
  • Comparative Pedagogics
  • Workshop in Social Psychology
  • Social Pedagogics
  • History of Social Pedagogics
  • Childhood Social Protection System Management
  • Fundamentals of Social Work
  • Pedagogical Anthropology
  • Fundamentals of Professional Orientation
  • Practical Techniques in Social Pedagogics
  • Methods & Techniques of Psychological & Pedagogical Researches
  • Social Psychology
  • Fundamentals of Family Psychology & Family Consultancy
  • Psychological Pedagogical Diagnostics
  • Fundamentals of Psychological Consultancy & Correction
  • Andragogy
  • Psychology of Impact & Influence
  • Ethical Aspects in Social Pedagogy
  • Acmeology & Psychology of Professional Activities
  • Social Work Management
  • Social Pedagogical Support of Families
  • Social Support of People with Special Needs
  • Leisure Pedagogics
  • Labor Psychology
  • Fundamentals of Creative Technologies
  • Teamwork Technologies
  • Practical Experience in Social Pedagogics
  • Social Pedagogical Activities & Modern System of Education
  • Overseas Models of Social Work at Institutions of General Education
  • Methods & Technologies of Social Pedagogical Activities at Institutions of General Education
  • Fundamentals of Work with Maladjusted Children & Adolescents
  • Methods of Active Social Psychological Education
  • Pedagogical Potential of Social Advertising
  • Pedagogics of Tolerance
  • Social Pedagogical Work with Families
  • Social Pedagogical Training
  • Workshop in Psychology & Acmeology
  • Workshop in Game Therapy
  • Psychological Consultancy
  • Psychology of Conflict
  • Fundamentals of Group Psychotherapy
  • Family Studies
  • Fundamentals of Upbringing in Families
  • Methods & Technologies in Family-Related Work in Social Pedagogics
  • Arrangement of Family Leisure Activities
  • Social Pedagogical Work with Maladjusted Children & Adolescents
  • Feminology
  • Gerontology
  • Theory & Practice of Teamwork
  • Methods & Technologies of Social Work with Families
  • Arrangement of Musical Aesthetic Events
  • First Aid in Emergency Situations

Specialty 540600 “Pedagogics (Social Pedagogics)”

  • Comparative Pedagogics
  • Ethnic Pedagogics & Ethnic Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Social Pedagogics
  • Fundamentals of Pedagogical Activities
  • Family Psychology& Upbringing in Families
  • Workshop in Psychology & Pedagogics
  • Psychological Pedagogical Diagnostics
  • Ethical Aspect of Social Pedagogics
  • History of Social Pedagogics
  • Fundamentals of Multicultural Education
  • Family Pedagogics
  • Social Pedagogical Workshop
  • Methods & Techniques of Psychological & Pedagogical Researches
  • Leisure Pedagogics
  • Pedagogical Anthropology
  • Childhood Social Protection System Management
  • Fundamentals of Professional Orientation
  • Andragogy
  • Gerontology
  • Psychology of Health
  • Media Psychology
  • Fundamentals of Social Work
  • Social Pedagogical Consultancy
  • Social Pedagogical Technologies
  • Social Work Management
  • Pedagogics of Deviant Behavior
  • Arrangement of Musical Aesthetic Events
  • First Aid in Emergency Situations

Specialty 540600 “Pedagogics (Social Pedagogics)”

  • Current Issues of Social Pedagogics
  • Methodology of Researches in Psychology & Pedagogics
  • Pedagogical Technologies
  • Mathematical Methods of Researches in Psychology & Pedagogics
  • Traditional & New Technologies to Educate Students
  • Teaching Technique at Higher Educational Institutions
  • Professional Activities of University Lecturer
  • Pedagogics & Psychology of Students
  • Support of Students during Educational Process
  • Comparative Pedagogics
  • Fundamentals of Personality Professional Self-Conscience Development
  • Social Pedagogical Work in Employment Sphere
  • Teamwork Technology
  • Feminology
  • Leisure Pedagogics
  • Social Pedagogical Ethics
  • Development of Higher Education in Russia & Abroad
  • Social Conflict Studies
  • Social Work Management
  • Social Pedagogical Work with Families
  • Social Support of People with Special Needs

Specialty 040101 “Social Work”

  • First Aid in Emergency Situations
  • Anthropology
  • Fundamentals of Social Medicine
  • History of Social Work
  • Theory of Social Work
  • Technology of Social Work
  • Professional Ethic Fundamentals of Social Work
  • Management & Administration of Social Work
  • Economic Fundamentals of Social Work
  • Forecasting, Projecting, & Modeling in social Work
  • Conflict Studies in Social Work
  • Research Techniques in Social Work
  • Pedagogics of Deviant Behavior
  • Outside-Russia Experience of Social Work
  • Workshop in Psychology & Acmeology
  • Social Communication
  • Social Work in Extreme Situations
  • Family Pedagogics
  • Family Studies
  • Gender Studies & Feminology
  • Social Gerontology
  • Issues of Youth-Related Social Work
  • Population Employment & Regulation of Employment
  • Contents & Technique of Psychological Social Work within Social Work System
  • Contents & Technique of Pedagogical Activities within Social Work System (Social Pedagogics)
  • Contents & Technique of Social Medical Work
  • Experience if Administrative Work within Social Care Services & Institutions
  • Social Work with People with Special Needs
  • Childhood Social Protection System Management
  • Social Pedagogical Training
  • Media Psychology
  • Workshop in Game Therapy
  • Special Issues of Psychological Consultancy
  • Social Pedagogical Work with Maladjusted Children & Adolescents
  • Psychology of Conflict
  • Fundamentals of Group Psychotherapy
  • Fundamentals of Creative Technologies в Social Work
  • Social Pedagogical Activities & Modern System of Education
  • Overseas Models of Social Work at Institutions of General Education
  • Social Pedagogical Work with Children Deprived of Parents’ Care
  • Social Pedagogical Work at Orphan Boarding Schools
  • Social Pedagogical Work within System of Extra Education
  • Pedagogical Potential of Social Advertising
  • Pedagogical Anthropology
  • Pedagogics of Tolerance
  • Social Pedagogical Adaptation of Refugees & Migrants
  • Studies of Ethnic Pedagogical Environment of Multicultural Region
  • Fundamentals of Multicultural Education
  • Ethnic Sociology
  • Ethnic Psychology
  • Ethnic Pedagogics of Astrakhan Region
  • Culture of Interethnic Communication
  • Pedagogics of Ethnic Tolerance
  • Family Sociology
  • Fundamentals of Upbringing in Families
  • Methods & Technologies of Social Work with Families
  • Family Leisure Arrangement
  • Family Psychology
  • Social Work with Families of Alcohol Addicts
  • Social Prevention of Narcotic Drug Addiction
  • Arrangement of Musical & Aesthetic Events
  • First Aid in Emergency Situations

Specialty 040104 “Arrangement of Youth-Related Work”

  • Psychology & Pedagogics
  • Anthropology
  • First Medical Aid
  • Youth-Related Tourism
  • Fundamentals of Future Profession
  • Psychological Foundations of Youth-Related Work
  • Pedagogical Provision of Youth-Related Work
  • Youth-Related Sociology
  • Russian Youth-Related Official Policy
  • Economy of Youth-Related Sphere
  • Management of Youth-Related Sphere
  • History & Development Prospects of Youth Movement
  • International Youth Cooperation
  • Social Pedagogics
  • Conflict Studies
  • Arrangement of Extracurricular Activities at Educational Institutions
  • Fundamentals of Upbringing in Families
  • Youth-Related Work at Penitentiary Institutions
  • Media Psychology
  • Professional & Ethic Fundamentals of Youth-Related Work
  • Social Support of Youth
  • Prevention of Antisocial Phenomena & Formation of Young People’s Healthy Lifestyle
  • Complex Support of Young Families
  • Arrangement of Youth Creative & Recreational Activities
  • Arrangement of Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship
  • Civil & Patriotic Education of Youth
  • Youth Movement Development
  • Scientific & Information Provision of Youth-Related Work
  • International Etiquette
  • Creative Methods of Youth-Related Work
  • Technology of Group Youth-Related Work
  • Arrangement of Work with Young People with Special Needs
  • Social Support of Youth in Difficult Life Situations
  • Feminology
  • Acmeology
  • Ethnos Studies
  • Ethnic Sociology
  • Ethnic Pedagogics & Ethnic Psychology
  • Psychology & Pedagogics of Tolerance
  • Studies of Ethnic Pedagogical Environment
  • Fundamentals of Multicultural Education
  • Fundamentals of Social Work with Ethnic Minorities
  • Culture of Interethnic Interaction
  • Fundamentals of International & National Etiquette

Последнее редактирование: 11-04-2016, Сорокин Виталий Витальевич

Chair of Social Pedagogics & Psychology

List of Academic Disciplines Our Chair Delivers