List of Available Bachelor & Master Programs

Our Faculty delivers the following educational programs:
Bachelor Programs:
  • 39.03.01 Sociology
  • 41.03.04 Political Science
  • 41.03.05 International Relations
  • 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (profile – Education in Culture Studies & Researches)
  • 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (profile – Education in Culture Studies & Researches & Foreign Language (English)

Master Programs:

  • 39.04.01 Sociology
  • 41.04.04 Political Science
  • 47.04.01 Philosophy
  • 51.04.01 Culture Studies

PhD Programs:

  • 22.00.01 Theory, Methodology, and History of Sociology
  • 24.00.01 Theory & History of Culture
  • 09.00.03 History of Philosophy
  • 23.00.02 Political Institutions, Processes, and Technologies
  • 23.00.03 Political Culture & Ideology
  • 23.00.04 Political Issues of International Relations, Global & Regional Development

Последнее редактирование: 13-02-2020, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович