International Cooperation


  • Hainan University (China) – giving lectures as a part of an academic exchange program: 2006 – Anna Romanova, Sergey Yakushenkov; 2007 – Lyudmila Baeva, Rafik Usmanov; 2012 – Anna Romanova, Sergey Yakushenkov
  • EF College (London, UK) – training, project backed by the Russian Presidential Grant – 2007, Lyudmila Baeva.
  • Clark University (Massachusetts, USA) – training – 2008 (Anna Romanova, Lyudmila Baeva).
  • M.O. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (Shymkent, Kazakhstan) – giving lectures as a part of an academic exchange program: 2011 (Lyudmila Baeva).
  • National Academy of Sciences of Argentina – training 2010 (Anna Romanova).
  • Kanagawa University (Japan) – training (Lyudmila Baeva).
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) – training 2016 (Nikolay Grishin).
  • Shanghai Open University (China) – training in International Staff Exchange Fellowship Program – International Visiting Scholar Program 2016 (Lyudmila Baeva).


Students from Chad, Senegal, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Turkmenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kirgizia study at our Department of Social Communications.

Thanks to international student exchange programs, students of our Department studied at the following universities:

  • Hainan University (China),
  • College of International Education Exchange of the Taiyuan University of Technology (China),
  • Shenyang Normal University (China),
  • University of Perugia (Italy),
  • Istanbul University (Turkey),
  • University of Guilan (Iran),
  • L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan),
  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy) – joint PhD programs,
  • University of Caen Normandy (France).
  • Students from China, France, Italy, and Kazakhstan study at our Department to cover academic mobility programs.


  1. World Congress of Philosophy, 2003, Istanbul: Lyudmila Baeva.
  2. International Conference “Russian Philosophy in the Modern World” (Sofia, Bulgaria, University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" (July 14–18, 2009)): Alexander Glazkov
  3. “Historicity & Philosophy of G. Florovsky’s Neopatristic Synthesis”, Lyudmila Baeva – Tradition of Hesychasm in Russian Philosophy
  4. International Conference “Museums & Cultural Heritage” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan (Baku, October 31 – November 03, 2010): Anna Romanova, Mikhail Topchiev.
  5. Life without Media. VI International Conference “Communication and Reality” Barcelona (June 2011): Anna Romanova “Ethnical Civility of a Cultural Heritage Usage by Mass Media in the South of Russia”.
  6. 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association. Shue Yan University. The Contemporary China Research Center Hong Kong. Anna Romanova, Olesia Yakushenkova. Comparative Analysis of the Image of the Stranger in Chinese and Russian Discourse.
  7. 18th International Conference of International Associations for the Intercultural Communication Study, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, June 08–11, 2012: Anna Romanova.
  8. Italian-Russian Conference “Amalfi: Bridge between Two Cultures”, November 28 – December 06 2012 (Italy): Anna Romanova.
  9. XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life. Abstracts. Athens August 04–10, 2013, Athens University of Athens, Greek Philosophical Society (Greece) – Lyudmila Baeva.
  10. /Breaking the Media Value Chain. VII International Conference on Communication and Reality. June 12–14. Universitat Ramon Llull, 2013. (Barcelona, Spain) – Lyudmila Baeva.
  11. International Applied Research Seminar “Personality in Modern World: Be or Seem?” as a part of the International Scientific Conference “Dulatov Readings” (April 11–12, 2014, Kostanay, Kazakhstan) – Lyudmila Baeva.
  12. 5th International Conference of English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication (Macao, China, June 2015) – Lyudmila Baeva, Anna Romanova, Olesia Yakushenkova.
  13. International Conference and UNESCO and UNITWIN Network International Training Workshop on Leadership and Innovation for the Future in Open and Distance Learning (Shanghai Open University, China, 6–7 November 2016) – Lyudmila Baeva.


  1. Russian & East. Phenomenon of Conscience: Integral Vision. International Scientific Conference, September 09–12, 2004 (Astrakhan, Astrakhan State University).
  2. Russian & East. Learning Society & Social Sustainable Development of Caspian Region. 3rd International Scientific Conference, 21–22 April, 2005 (Astrakhan, Astrakhan State University).
  3. Great Rivers & World Civilizations. International Scientific Conference, September 07–09, 2006 (Astrakhan, Astrakhan State University).
  4. Russia & East: Issue of Tolerance in Dialogue of Civilizations. 4th International Scientific Conference, May 03–05, 2007 (Astrakhan, Astrakhan State University).
  5. Russia & East: Issue of Corruption: Ways of Interdisciplinary Research. 5th International Scientific Conference, September 04–06, 2009 (Astrakhan, Astrakhan State University).
  6. Caspian Region in Globalization Epoch: Issues, Tendencies, and Prospects of International Cooperation, International Applied Research Conference, September 30 – October 02, 2011 (supported by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung).
  7. Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Multiethnic Region & History Falsification. International Youth Conference as a part of the Festival of Science (Astrakhan, September 19–21, 2012), supported by the Federal Target Program.


  • “Socioloska Luca: Journal of Social Anthropology, Social Demography & Social Psychology” (Montenegro) (Lyudmila Baeva)


1. Baeva L.V. Axiology Analysis of Phenomenon of Life // 31st World Congress of Philosophy. Philosophy Facing World Problems. Abstracts. Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Center. Turkey. 2003.

2. Baeva L.V. Interaction and Metamorphosis of East and West Values in Global World // The Second International Conference of Axiology (June 12–16, 2004). Abstract. Wuhan, 2004.

3. Baeva L.V. Classical and neoclassical values // Classical and Neoclassical Values // XXII Word Congress of Philosophy. Rethinking Philosophy Today. Abstracts. Seoul, Korea, 2008. P. 56.

4. Baeva L.V. Values of Information Age: Role of Education // 2nd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research Internationalisation and the Role of University (September 25–26, 2009). – Portorož, Slovenia.

5. Baeva L.V. Neoclassical Values. // Escuela virtual de asesoria filosofica.

6. Baeva L.V. Values of Age of Pluralism // Best Philosophical Ideas Improve Humanity // World Philosophical Forum.

7. Baeva L.V. Values of Post-Classical Outlook // MBR09_BRAZIL. Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology Abduction, Logic, and Computational Discovery. Abstracts Book /Edited by Tommaso Bertolotti //University of Pavia, Italy, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, SP, Brazil. 2010. P. 10.

8. Baeva L.V. Anthropogenesis and Dynamics of Values under Conditions of Information Technology // International Journal of Technoethics. 2012 3(3) July-September, p. 33–50.

9. Baeva L.V. Existential Axiology // Culture. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology. Vol. 9 № 1 (2012) p. 73–85.

10. Baeva L.V. Sistem vrijednosti omladine „epohe promjena“: ruski pogled (preveo Radoje Golović) // Socioloska luca № 1/2 GoreGodina I broj 2007. izdavači Filozofski fakultet Nikšić. Studijski program za sociologiju. Društvo sociologa Crne Gore. P. 67–81.

11. Glazkov A.P. Fondements idéologiques de la foi de Soloviev et l` appréciation religieuse de l`historiosophie de l`unité.// PHILOTHEOS International Journal for Philosophy and Theology Vol. 11. 2011. Beograd. ISSN 1451–3455. P.182–189.

12. Anna Romanova, Olesia Yakushenkova. Comparative Analysis of the Image of the Stranger in Chinese and Russian Discourse.// Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association. Edited by Selina Ching Chan Hong Kong, Shue Yan University The Contemporary China Research Center. Hong Kong; p. 1158–1166.

13. Romanova A.P. Global and Local in a Region of Cultural Contacts of West and East// The 18 International conference of international associations for the intercultural communication study, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, 8–11 June, 2012. P. 231–237.

14. Romanova A.P. The Influence of Inter-Cultural Communication on Management: Regional Aspects // Journal of International Management, vol. 1, n. 2, November, 2009.

15. Romanova A.P., Topchiev M.S. Ethnical Civility of a Cultural Heritage Usage by Mass Media in the South of Russia// Life without Media. VI International Conference Communication and reality. Barcelona 2011

16. Romanova A.P., Yakushenkov S.N., Topchiev M.S. Problemy Kul'turnoy bezopasnosti Kaspiyskogo regiona //Uchyenye zapiski Bakinskogo slavyanskogo universiteta. – № 1. – Seriya obshchestvenno-politicheskikh nauk. – P.54–63.

17. Baeva L.V. Values of Electronic Culture // XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life. Abstracts. August 04–10, 2013, Athens, University of Athens, Greek Philosophical Society, p. 47.

18. Baeva L.V. Antinomy of Modern Media in E-Culture Context // Breaking the Media Value Chain. VII International Conference on Communication and Reality. June 12-14. Universitat Ramon Llull,2013. pp.317–323.

19. Baeva L. V. Existential and Ethical Values in an Information Era. // Journal of Human Value, 2014, 20 (1), p. 30–43.

20. Baeva L.V. New Challenges for Humans in the Context of E-Culture // International Journal of Technoethics, 5(1), 59–68, January-June 2014.


In 2016-2019, the Department of Social Communications of Astrakhan State University executes the joint international project “Democracy and Governance in the European Union” by the Jean Monnet Programme and ASU. The Jean Monnet Programme of the European Union aims to enhance knowledge of the processes of EU integration by teaching, researching, and debating the themes related to the history, policy, economy, and legislation of the European Union. It was launched in 1989 and named in honor of a co-founder of the European Union. Nowadays its activities span 78 countries; its educational network includes over 800 universities.

The European Commission selected Astrakhan State University as a partner to implement the project “Democracy and Governance in the European Union” and signed an agreement with ASU in December 2016. Dr. Nikolay Grishin from our Chair of Political Science & International Relations supervises this project. The Center for Political European Studies has been established at our University to coordinate the joint project execution.

The program “Jean Monnet Educational Module” relates to studies of activities that the EU administration institutions perform.

Web site of the project “Democracy and Governance in the European Union”:

Последнее редактирование: 18-06-2018, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович