Project Office "Artificial Intelligence"

Every single year more and more data are generated in various activities. Not only it is possible, but also necessary to be able to analyze them, extract useful knowledge from them, find regularities in them, and apply them to make these or those activities more efficient. The data, which are frequently named "new oil", are some kind of fuel for artificial intelligence systems.

The artificial intelligence (AI) is already named "new electricity", since it is transforming most industries, just as electricity did it 100 years ago. Technologies are changing the world, whereas cutting-edge knowledge in the field of AI makes it possible for anyone to contribute to those changes!

The Project Office "Artificial Intelligence" centralizes, structures, and coordinates project management based on AI technologies and related to research and educational activities of Astrakhan State University, as well as its external clients and partners.

The main fields of our activities are as follows:

  • R & D: formation of innovative product solutions based on AI technologies (computer vision, natural language processing);
  • Education: development of educational courses in AI (machine learning and deep learning) for a wide range of trainees (secondary school and university students, managers and business owners);
  • Promotion of AI technologies (by participating in exhibitions, forms, conferences, and master classes as speakers and experts).

Our Project Office hosts the Club of Artificial Intelligences, where students of our University can study IT technologies and take part in team projects. You may join our Club clicking this link.

Koshkarov, Alexander Vassilyevich
PhD in Technology – Chief
Address: Room #402, 20a Tatischev Street (Annex to University Main Building), Astrakhan 414056 Russia.

Our  Project Office includes the following units:

Machine Learning Unit

Artificial Intelligence Development & Implementation Unit

Последнее редактирование: 26-10-2020, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович