Professional development programme "Organisation of work of a teacher-defectologist with students with disabilities in modern conditions of implementation of FSES"

Professional development programme

At the course from the V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University students will increase their professional status and enrich their experience in the field of speech therapy, as well as improve their ability to design individual educational routes and implement training taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

Professional development programme "Organisation of work of a teacher-defectologist with students with disabilities in modern conditions of implementation of FSES"

The programme will be useful for deputy principals, primary school teachers, pedagogues-psychologists, pedagogues-defectologists of general educational institutions on the issue of organisation of work with students with disabilities in the field of education, health care and social services.

As a result of the course, participants will learn the special educational needs of students with disabilities, modern trends in the development of Russian education, current legal acts, psychological and pedagogical features of learning activities and organisation of a barrier-free educational environment for students with disabilities. They will also learn how to choose the right software and methodological support when designing individual educational routes, design a lesson in the conditions of inclusive education and provide assistance in mastering adapted basic general education and individual programmes.

Listeners will consider the following topics in detail:

  1. normative-legal aspects of the implementation of inclusive education;
  2. peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical support of students with disabilities in the conditions of the general educational organisation;
  3. organisation of the educational process in an inclusive classroom: forms, methods, techniques, technologies;
  4. creation of special conditions for students with disabilities in inclusive education.

The lecturers of the programme will be the staff of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy of Astrakhan State University:

  • Head of the Department Tatiana Simonova - Honoured Doctor of the Russian Federation (child neurologist - experience of 19 years, neurorehabilitation specialist - 26 years), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in Correctional Pedagogy, specialist in rehabilitation of young children, rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, severe multiple developmental disorders, severe speech disorders.
  • Associate Professor Rufina Dossayeva - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, has experience of working with preschool and primary school children in the field of speech therapy, defectology, 13 years of experience.
  • Associate Professor Vera Skripnichenko - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of Boarding School No. 5, Honoured Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, has extensive experience in teaching and education of children with intellectual disabilities, severe multiple developmental disorders, inclusive education of children with disabilities.
  • Senior teacher Svetlana Ivanova has 14 years of teaching experience. She teaches the disciplines: "Defectology", "Inclusive education", "Speech therapy technologies", "General methodological aspects of education in specialised educational institutions", "Basics of special pre-school psychology and pedagogy", "Special pedagogy and psychology" and "Theory and methodology of play".

Start of training - from 3 to 12 April (term of mastering the course - 9 days on 4 academic hours). The cost - 2500 rubles. Form of training: full-time, with the use of DOT.

According to the results of the training a certificate of the established sample of FSBEI HE VN Tatishchev Astrakhan State University is issued.

Additional questions can be asked by phone: 8 (8512) 24-64-83, ext. 207, 463. 207, 463. The list of all programmes can be found on the portal of additional education.

Department of additional education and vocational training