Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences

Fedotova Anna Vladislavovna

Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Full professor

Address: 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan 414000 Russia.
Phone: +7-8512-24-66-67 (ext. 102) (Director); +7-8512-24-64-76 (Directorate).

Our Research Schools & Main Fields of Research

Our Research School:

  • Role of Free-Radical Processes & Antioxidant Protection in Regulation of Functional Systems, Which Provide Organism Homeostasis in Ontogenesis under Extreme Factors (established in 1985; supervised by D.L. Teply, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor)

Our Main Fields of Research:

  • Age Dynamics of Regulatory Systems Apoptosis Speed in Ontogenesis; Possible Ways to Correct Their Malfunctions (supervised by D.L. Teply, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor, and Yu.V. Azizova, PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor);
  • Metabolic Functions & Stress Reaction of Lungs at Different Stage of Postnatal Ontogenesis (supervised by Yu.V. Nesterov, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor, and A.S. Chumakova, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor);
  • Age, Gender, and Individual Typological Features of Adaptation & Free-Radical Processes of Humans & Animals (supervised by N.A. Gorst, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);
  • Age, Gender, and Individual Typological Mechanisms to Regulate Cardiac Rhythm & Free-Radical Processes of Nonlinear Rats (supervised by E.V. Kuryanova, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);
  • Research of Impact of Super Expression of Oncogene HER-2 upon Processes of Apoptosis & Aging Processes of Hypothalamus Neurons (supervised by D.L. Teply, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor and E.D. Bazhanova, D.Sc. in Biology, Key Researcher);

  • Structural Transformations of Lung Tissue & Free-Radical Processes in Case of Hypoxic & Hyperoxic Impacts at Different Stages of Ontogenesis (supervised by Yu.V. Nesterov, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);

  • Chronophysiological Features of Rats’ Peripheral Immune System at Ontogenesis Stages in Normal State, under Oxidative Stress, and under Corrected Stress by Applying a Complex of Antioxidants;

  • Development & Trial of Techniques to Diagnose Pathologies of Female Reproductive Systems Based on Apoptosis Assessment, Antioxidants, and Structural Analysis of Biological Liquids (supervised by D.L. Teply, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);

  • Impact of a Number of Metals upon Physiological & Biological Rates of Young Agricultural Animals (supervised by V.I. Vorobyov, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);

  • Biogenic Reaction of Heavy Metals in Soil (Horizon-by-Horizon) and Water (Season-by-Season); Impact of Insufficient Metals upon Physiological & Biochemical Parameters of Surgeon’s Ontogenesis (supervised by E.N. Scherbakova, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor);

  • Flora & Vegetation of Astrakhan Region (supervised by V.N. Pilipenko, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);

  • Impact of Biologically Active Substance upon Physiological Processes of Plants (supervised by N.D. Smashevskiy, D.Sc. in Agriculture, Associate Professor);

  • Impact of Ecological Conditions upon Structure of Plants & Phytocenoses (supervised by V.I. Zakutnova, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);

  • Consortium Analysis of Surface Swimming Hydrophytes of Astrakhan City’s Water Bodies (supervised by S.R. Kosobokova, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor);

  • Mechanisms of Influence, Physiological Properties, and Biotechnological Grounds for Application of Natural Biologically Active Components (supervised by M.A. Egorov, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor);

  • Isolation & Research of Antimicrobial Activity of Vegetation Components from Plants of Astrakhan Region (supervised by M.A. Egorov, D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor, and L.T. Sukhenko, D.Sc. in Biology, Associate Professor);

  • Application of Vegetative Raw Materials as a Source to Manufacture Organic Fertilizers (supervised by D.K. Magzanova, PhD in Biology, Honored Researcher of Russia);

  • Biological Purification of Highly Mineralized Sewage Water of Food Industry with a Consortium of Microorganisms (Yu.V. Bataeva, supervised by PhD in Biology, Associate Professor);

  • State & Factors Determining Biological Diversity & Biological Productivity of Caspian Sea Basin (supervised by N.I. Sokolskaya, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, and E.A. Sokolskaya, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor);

  • Development of Methods to Synthesize Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds; Research of Their Biochemistry and Reactivity; Identification of Fields of Their Practical Application (supervised by A.V. Velikorodov, D.Sc. in Chemistry, Full Professor);

  • Isolation of Biologically Active Stuff from Plants of Astrakhan Region; Development of Biologically Active Additives and Essential Oils for Perfume Industry on Their Base (supervised by V.B. Kovalyov, PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor).

The Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences inlcudes the following units:

Последнее редактирование: 25-11-2021, Тутаринова Наталия Анатолиевна