List of Available Bachelor & Master Programs

Bachelor Programs (full-time – 4 years; distance – 4.5 years)

38.03.01 Economics

Specialization profiles (to be selected by students on the 3rd year of their studies):

  • Finances & Credit
  • Accounting, Analysis, and Audit
  • Economy & Management
  • International Logistic Systems

38.03.02 Management

  • Management
  • Financial Management (with Profound Studies of Foreign Languages)

38.03.03 Human Resources Management

  • Human Resources Management
  • Human Resources Management with Profound Studies of Law, Psychology, & Foreign Languages

38.03.04 Public Administration

  • E-Government (with Profound Studies of Legal Disciplines & Foreign Languages)

43.03.02 Tourism

  • Technology & Organization of Tourism Services

Specialist Programs

38.05.01 Security in Economy

  • Economic & Legal Support of Security in Economy

Master Programs

38.04.01 Economics

  • Economy of Companies & Industry Markets
  • Transportation & Logistic Systems
  • Organization of Lean Production

38.04.02 Management

  • International Business
  • Strategic Management & Innovations
  • Strategic Management of Supply Chains
  • Intercultural Management
  • Security Audit of Public & Business Organizations

38.04.03 Human Resources Management

  • Human Resources Management

38.04.04 Public Administration

  • State Competition-Related Policy

38.04.08 Finances & Credit

  • Banks & Bank Activities

38.04.09 State Audit

  • State Audit

PhD Programs

38.06.01 Economics

  • Economy & Management (in particular fields and spheres of activities, including Regional Economy)
  • Economic Theory

Последнее редактирование: 28-01-2020, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович