Chemical Department: Figures & Facts

Chemical Department: Figures & Facts

Here is some useful and interesting statistics related to the Chemical Department of Astrakhan State University.

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  • 205 students: 121 of them are covering a bachelor program, 64 – a master program, and 20 – a specialist program;

  • three specialties: one bachelor specialty (“Chemistry” and two master ones (“Chemistry”, “Education in Chemistry”);

  • five bachelor profiles (“Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Expertise & Ecological Safety”; “Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry”; “Teacher of Secondary School”; “Petrochemistry”; “Medical & Pharmaceutical Chemistry”);

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  • four master programs (“Green Chemistry”; “Organic Chemistry”; “Petrochemistry”; “Education in Chemistry”);

  • one research laboratory (“Synthetic Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles and Semiproducts to Synthesize Them”) and one research and educational center (“Green Chemistry”);

  • 20 PhDs and Doctors of Science;

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  • five patents recently obtained;

  • two Chairs (the Chair of Organic, Inorganic, & Pharmaceutical Chemistry; the Chair of Analytical & Physical Chemistry);

  • two PhD programs (“Organic Chemistry”; “Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacognosy”);

  • 20 foreign students.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)


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