Art Salon Welcomes Everyone

Art Salon Welcomes Everyone

Ms. Yulia Gorgo, Director of the Art Salon Creative Workshop of Astrakhan State University, has told us about its activities.

"Our main activities are popular science and specialized lectures, thematic master classes for students and staff of ASU, as well as for everyone else. Besides, we arrange exhibitions of photos and objects of visual art, as well as meetings with well-known artists. In particular, we arranged the exhibition "Fairy Tales of Lower Volga Region" that presented artistic works by Ksenia Kotsareva, who graduated from our Department of Architecture & Design, in November 2017. The next month, we arranged a master class by Professor Anna Fedotova, our Vice Rector for Research Activities, which related to painting of bags with acrylic colors. We hope these are just our first steps to arrange a whole series of meetings with our talented colleagues.

One of our key tasks is to contribute to establishing a positive image of Astrakhan State University as the right environment for one's creative development. In our workshop, people may demonstrate their creative talents, get rid of their obscure complexes by creating something.

Every Saturday our Workshop runs master classes in painting, cloth decoration, etc. Their participants are students, professors, and other people. Painting, modeling, photography, scene playing – all these arts contribute to a more open and clearer expression of one's feelings and emotions; on the other hand, they contribute to one's self-expression and creative development. Our guests get a moral satisfaction with what they made; they reveal new abilities. Participants of our master classes end up making beautiful works of art and being in a good mood; they realize that anyone can be creative, so they come back again!

Our short-term plans include launch of the course "Entertaining Painting for Beginners", as well as exhibitions of our students' and professors' photos, musical parties, movies, etc.

Our Art Salon is a place where one may be creative in whatever way they wish, where everyone and anyone may become a creative person!"

Interviewed by T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)


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