
Art Salon Welcomes Everyone

Art Salon Welcomes Everyone

Ms. Yulia Gorgo, Director of the Art Salon Creative Workshop of Astrakhan State University, has told us about its activities.

New Master Program at ASU

New Master Program at ASU

Professor Liudmila Kashirskaya, Head of the Chair "National Security" of Astrakhan State University, has told us about the new master program "Administration & Development of Housing & Communal Services; Improvement of Metropolitan Areas" available now at Astrakhan State University.

Chemical Department: Figures & Facts

Chemical Department: Figures & Facts

Here is some useful and interesting statistics related to the Chemical Department of Astrakhan State University.

2017 Admission Campaign: Figures & Facts

2017 Admission Campaign: Figures & Facts

Here are the outcomes of the 2017 Admission Campaign held by Astrakhan State University.

“Languages & Intercultural Management”: New Master Program at ASU

“Languages & Intercultural Management”: New Master Program at ASU

Dr. Alfiya Salkhenova, Director of the Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies, has told us about the newly-launched program “Languages & Intercultural Management” at Astrakhan State University.

Presentation of Book “About Lyonya Gubanov”

Presentation of Book “About Lyonya Gubanov”

A presentation of the collection of reminiscences “About Lyonya* Gubanov” has taken place at the Velimir Khlebnikov Home Museum in Astrakhan. This is what its editor Dr. Andrey Zhurbin, PhD in Philology and supervisor of the web site dedicated to poet Leonid Gubanov (an affiliate web site of ASU) has told us.

Anniversary of Presidential Program: 20 Years in Russia, 10 Years at ASU

Anniversary of Presidential Program: 20 Years in Russia, 10 Years at ASU

Another group of trainees covering the Presidential Program (whose main goal is to train qualified managers) is studying at Astrakhan State University. Dr. Tatyana Mordasova, Chief of the Center of Qualified Management Training Administration Programs (Presidential Program) of ASU, gives her comments.

ASU Participates in Global Projects Program

ASU Participates in Global Projects Program

Students and staff of Astrakhan State University have taken part in the Global Projects Program (GPP) by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Massachusetts, USA). Dr. Inna Akhunzhanova, Director of the Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness of ASU, has told us about that.

ASU to Host International Congress Related to Elite & Leadership

ASU to Host International Congress Related to Elite & Leadership

On April 19-22, 2017, the International Congress “Elites & Leaders: Formation Strategies at a Modern University” shall take place at Astrakhan State University. Professor Liudmila Baeva, Dean of the Department of Social Communications of ASU, has told us about the upcoming event.

Students of Our Chemical Department Studied at Artois University in France

Students of Our Chemical Department Studied at Artois University in France

Maria Biryukova and Elizaveta Genyk, 4th-year-students of the Chemical Department of Astrakhan State University, covered an exchange program from Sept. 2016 to Jan. 2017 at Artois University in France.

Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign: Master & PhD Programs

Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign: Master & PhD Programs

Outcomes of enrolling candidates to cover master and PhD programs at Astrakhan State University have been summarized.

First Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign

First Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of Astrakhan State University, comments the recent main stage of enrolling students to bachelor and specialist programs.

ASU Participates in TEMPUS Project

ASU Participates in TEMPUS Project

Dr. Nikolay Khurchak, Vice Rector for International Relations of ASU, and Dr. Denis Zholobov, Dean of our Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies, have told us about participation of Astrakhan State University in the project “On-line Quality Assurance of Study Programmes EQUASP 543727-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-IT-TEMPUS-SMGR”.

Exposition of Projects of Students’ Science

Exposition of Projects of Students’ Science

The Festival of Students’ Science was held at Astrakhan State University last week for the first time. Its most active participants have told us about their projects and impressions of this event, while management of the University has given us their expert assessments.

Plunge into Entertaining World of Students’ Science!

Plunge into Entertaining World of Students’ Science!

With the Festival of Students’ Science to be held at Astrakhan State University approaching, Prof. Anna Fedotova (ASU’s Vice Rector for Research Activities), Prof. Sergey Khrapov (Research Supervisor of ASU’s Student Research Council), and Mr. Victor Dorofeev (Chairman of the Council) have told us about this upcoming event.

Philosophical Congress: about Humans & for Humans

Philosophical Congress: about Humans & for Humans

Professor Lyudmila Baeva, Dean of the Department of Social Communications of Astrakhan State University, has told us about her recent participation in the 6th Russian Philosophical Congress “Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East & West – Dialogue of Worldviews”.

Learn More about International Relations of ASU

Learn More about International Relations of ASU

From Sept. 27 to Oct. 12, 2015, the Internet Conference “International Activities of Astrakhan State University” has taken place. Dr. Nikolay Khurchak, our Vice Rector for International Relations, has been acting as our main consultant in this field.

What Will 2016 Admission Campaign Be Like?

What Will 2016 Admission Campaign Be Like?

From Sept. 07 to Sept. 21, Astrakhan State University held the Internet Conference “2016 Admission Campaign”. There were three officials who consulted our future students - Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko (Executive Secretary of our Admission Commission), Prof. Lyudmila Yakovleva (Chief of our Unit of Master Courses), and Dr. Tatyana Dakhina (Chief of our Unit of PhD Courses).

Admission Campaign – 2015 at ASU: Figures & Facts

Admission Campaign – 2015 at ASU: Figures & Facts

The 2015 campaign to enroll new students in Astrakhan State University has been over. Let us summarize its “quantitative” and “actual” outcomes.

Outcomes of 2015 Admission Campaign

Outcomes of 2015 Admission Campaign

The main events of the 2015 Admission Campaign at Astrakhan State University are presented in the following commentaries by three officials of ASU – Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko (Executive Secretary of our Admission Commission), Prof. Lyudmila Yakovleva (Chief of our Unit of Master Courses), and Dr. Tatyana Dakhina (Chief of our Unit of PhD Courses).

Professor of ASU Participates in International Geographical Forum

Professor of ASU Participates in International Geographical Forum

Professor Alexander Barmin, Dean of the Department of Geology & Geography of Astrakhan State University, has told us about his participation in the Conference “Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth” arranged by the International Geographical Union at Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia.

“Golden Double” by Postgraduate of ASU

“Golden Double” by Postgraduate of ASU

Mikhail Valov, a 1st-year postgraduate student of Astrakhan State University, has passed the entrance competition to take part in the 3rd Summer School “Geography in Modern World: Problems and Prospects” arranged by the Russian Geographical Society. Professor Alexander Barmin, the young man’s research supervisor and Dean of the Department of Geology & Geography of ASU, has told us about Mikhail’s achievements.

3rd Caspian Forum of Foreign Students: Erasing Boundaries!

3rd Caspian Forum of Foreign Students: Erasing Boundaries!

It is already the third time that Astrakhan State University has become a venue of the Caspian Forum of Foreign Students. For five days, foreign students of Russian universities have been discussing their common issues, sharing experience, studying, and entertaining. By the last day of the Forum, which took place at the Beryozka Camp of Recreation & Education, both organizers and guests of the Forum had already had certain impressions of that event, which they have gladly shared with us.

Training Qualified Specialists in Robotics

Training Qualified Specialists in Robotics

Dr. Alexey Rybakov, Director of Astrakhan State University’s Institute of Research & Solutions to Technological Tasks, has told us about the bachelor program “Mechanics & Robotics” that is delivered at our University.

3rd Caspian Forum of Foreign Students to Be Held at ASU

3rd Caspian Forum of Foreign Students to Be Held at ASU

Sanan Gamidov, Director of the Unit of Strategic Planning & Student Projects Management, has told us about the upcoming event.

Electronic Presentations of Books

Electronic Presentations of Books

Ms. Nadezhda Proshunina, Director of the Scientific Library of Astrakhan State University, has told us about electronic presentations of thematic book exhibitions based on the Library book stock.

Professional Communications between Current & Future City Managers

Professional Communications between Current & Future City Managers

In June 2015, trainees of the Presidential Program “Municipality Development Administration: Technologies to Form Sustainable Comparative Advantages” within the specialty “City Management (Municipality Administration)” have attended practical workshops delivered by top managers of various units of the Astrakhan City Administration, including Ms. Elena Simeonova (Chairperson of the Astrakhan City Council) and Mr. Oleg Polumordvinov (Head of the Astrakhan City Administration).

Newly-Launched Master Programs at Astrakhan State University

Newly-Launched Master Programs at Astrakhan State University

A number of new master programs in the field of Management, Electronics & Nanoelectronics, and Biology have been launched at Astrakhan State University.

International Cooperation of ASU in Chemistry & Biology

International Cooperation of ASU in Chemistry & Biology

Astrakhan State University signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Artois (Arras, France) last year. Prof. Alexey Tyrkov, Dean of Astrakhan State University’s Chemical Department, has told us about its current outcomes.

ASU to Graduate City Managers

ASU to Graduate City Managers

Astrakhan State University is delivering a new program of extra professional education – “Municipality Development Administration: Technologies to Form Sustainable Comparative Advantages” within the specialty “City Management (Municipality Administration)”.

Students of ASU about World War 2

Students of ASU about World War 2

While the 70th Anniversary of Russia’s Victory over Nazi Germany is approaching, the Center of Sociological Survey of Astrakhan State University has arranged the survey “Students about World War 2” together with the Astrakhan Branch of the Russian Society of Sociologists.

Admission Campaign – 2015: March

Admission Campaign – 2015: March

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of Astrakhan State University, has told us about the main features of the 2015 Admission Campaign in March 2015.

3.14: Tackling Task Nationwide

3.14: Tackling Task Nationwide

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Associate Professor of Astrakhan State University's Chair of Mathematics & Mathematics Teaching Technique, has told us about our students' participation in a national online test in Math.

Students of Our Department of Business & Economy Contribute to Tackling Budget-Related Issues

Students of Our Department of Business & Economy Contribute to Tackling Budget-Related Issues

Professor Oxana Mineva, Dean of the Department of Business & Economy of Astrakhan State University, has told us about her students’ participation in the regional project “Budget for Citizens”.

Department of People's Friendship

Department of People's Friendship

The Department of Preliminary Education of Foreign Citizens has been operating at Astrakhan State University for 10 years already. Its Dean, Dr. Natalia Sannikova, has told us about the main fields of its activities and about its development prospects.

How to Obtain Top-Level Chemical Education?

How to Obtain Top-Level Chemical Education?

Prof. Alexey Tyrkov, Dean of Astrakhan State University’s Chemical Department, has told at a recent meeting of the University Administration about the double-diploma program in Chemistry that the Chemical Department of ASU has launched jointly with the University of Artois (Arras, France).

New Wishes for Upcoming New Year

New Wishes for Upcoming New Year

At the end of 2014, faculty and administrative staff members of Astrakhan State University, as well as our students, have shared their dearest hopes, plans, and dreams about upcoming 2015 with us.

Our Department of Preliminary Education Trains High School Students

Our Department of Preliminary Education Trains High School Students

Dr. Zukhra Agleeva, Dean of the Department of Preliminary Education, has told us about top-priority fields of activities that this Department performs to train high school students for further university studies.

Educational Process: Introduction of New Technologies

Educational Process: Introduction of New Technologies

Professor Lyudmila Baeva, Dean of ASU’s Department of Social Communications, has told us about arrangement of academic studies in Philosophy within united groups of students.