Our Department of Preliminary Education Trains High School Students

Our Department of Preliminary Education Trains High School Students

Dr. Zukhra Agleeva, Dean of the Department of Preliminary Education, has told us about top-priority fields of activities that this Department performs to train high school students for further university studies.

“Our Department has arranged preparation courses for students of Astrakhan Region’s high schools. During seven months, they have to attend classes every Sunday to get prepared for the Unified State Examination. Experienced faculty staff of our Department works with small groups of students (about 12 students in each group) in 10 disciplines. Since September 2014, our Department has been delivering short-term courses to get prepared for the final essay that any high school graduates has to write before taking a USE.

University classes have always been one of the major fields of our activities; the range of tasks, which trainees have to do, includes tackling especially complicated problems, participation in research projects, etc.

The Caspian Interregional Contest for High School Students has been opened recently. The Russian web site of our University contains tasks for its first, distance stage; the materials shall be accessible up to late December. The second, in-house stage will be held in March 2015.

Besides, our students will take part in upcoming traditional intellectual and creative events: Young Physicist, Young Biologist, Young Philologist, Young Grammarian, Young Chemist, Club of Merry Mathematicians, etc.

Our scientific conferences are also available for our students. For example, 17 students of high schools have been awarded with diplomas of various degrees in the Russian language, in the Russian literature, and in culture studies after taking part in the recent scientific forum dedicated to the Year of Culture in Russia.

The Department of Preliminary Education of ASU is always glad to help future students of our University get prepared for their university studies”.

Russian original information source: the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)