New Wishes for Upcoming New Year

New Wishes for Upcoming New Year

At the end of 2014, faculty and administrative staff members of Astrakhan State University, as well as our students, have shared their dearest hopes, plans, and dreams about upcoming 2015 with us.

“I wish I got married at last”

“I’d love to travel much all over the world”

“I want to repair my house”

“I’m planning to get a driving license”

“I’d like to make my 2014 plans come true, as I planned a year ago”

“I wish I graduated from the University successfully”

“I’m dreaming about finding a good job”

“I wish I became better”

“I’m planning to sail across the Pacific Ocean”

“As for me, I’d like to learn a new language”

“I’d rather go where I’ve never been before”

“I’d become financially literate”

“I’d like to learn how to plan my working days better”

“I wish I paid off my debts”

“I wish I paid off my loan for my new car”

“I’m planning to pull up many trees”

“I’d love to find my promised spouse and achieve progress in my studies”

“I wish I became physically stronger and more endurable”

“I wish I wasn’t expelled from the University. I’d like to go to my home town to see my parents and friends”

“I’d visit other countries, sail along the Volga on a self-made raft, live in a forest for a week, make a couple of tattoos, and get married”

“I wish I visited Canada”

“I’d love to jump with a parachute”

“I’d stay with my family and friends longer than before”

“I wish I brought something new and someone new to this world”

“I wish I wrote my diploma paper and thus learn what a chronic sleep and food shortage is”

“I’d visit Istanbul”

“As for me, I’d have a good summer outside Astrakhan”

“I’d like to pass my exams, ride a sleigh, and play snowballs (if it snows), then go to a faraway island and live there happily… or live here happily”

“I wish I improved my English”

“I’d love to learn new techniques of playing the guitar”

“I’d conquer Everest”

“I wish I could lift a heavier load at the gym”

“I wish I bought a fur coat”

“I’d love to spend my holidays in Italy”

“I’d go to study in France”

“I wish I swam in the swimming pool of our new university building”

“I’d save money for my holidays, bring up my hubby in the best matriarchal traditions, and teach my sonny to sing”

“I’d have a rest at a sea shore in summer, and of course – work, work, work…”

“I wish we passed the upcoming accreditation”

“I’m dreaming of my maternity leave”

“I’d like to improve my professional skills, travel to interesting places, and make my life better”

“I wish my son graduated from the University successfully!”

“I wish I earned much money, pay off my car loan, have good holidays, and help my family and friends”

“Whatever I’d plan, it’s up to Mom to decide what will be!”

Russian original information source: the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)