What Will 2016 Admission Campaign Be Like?

What Will 2016 Admission Campaign Be Like?

From Sept. 07 to Sept. 21, Astrakhan State University held the Internet Conference “2016 Admission Campaign”. There were three officials who consulted our future students - Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko (Executive Secretary of our Admission Commission), Prof. Lyudmila Yakovleva (Chief of our Unit of Master Courses), and Dr. Tatyana Dakhina (Chief of our Unit of PhD Courses).

Bachelor & Specialist Programs

When will 2016 Rules of Admission be published?

Our Rules of Admission are developed on the base of the Admission Procedure Regulations, which are approved by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science. Publication of the latter document is expected by middle November 2015. All the information about the 2016 Admission Campaign shall be published on the official web portal of Astrakhan State University (see the section “Prospective Students / 2016 Admission Campaign”.

Is it possible to obtain an additional qualification of an interpreter and translator, besides my main specialty?

ASU pays a lot of attention to teaching its students foreign languages. For all of our first-year-students, a large number of academic hours to master a foreign language is available. At the 2nd and 3rd years of their studies, any student wishing to keep on studying a foreign language profoundly may contact our Department of Extra Professional Education to obtain the qualification of a translator and interpreter in the field of professional communication. Also, anyone may get extra education in the field of Economics, Law, or any other field of knowledge. One’s extra specialty is to be covered with the main specialty simultaneously.

Is it possible to have my disciplines taken into account if I studied at a college and then I’m going to study the same specialty at your University? If it is, whom do I contact to solve this issue?

Once you have been enrolled to your first year of studies and in case you have already got a diploma of secondary professional or higher professional education, you may address the Dean’s Office of your Department and request that particular disciplines from the appendix to your diploma should be taken into consideration to set you free from taking an examination in them once again. It is up to your Dean to decide whether it is possible or not. A lot depends of what year you graduated from your previous educational institution, on what disciplines are listed in your diploma, on what volume of academic hours you spent to master this or that discipline, etc.

Does your University have an official accreditation?

Yes, ASU has passed though the accreditation process in 2015 successfully; documents that regulate our educational activities have been published on our Russian Official Web Portal.

How do I get prepared for the Unified State Exam at ASU?

We have weekly courses of preparation for the USE. Classes are delivered by experienced instructors. To sign up for the USE preparation courses or to obtain additional information, please call +7-8512-61-08-60.

What sports facilities do you have for students?

Our University has 3 equipped gym apparatus halls, 5 open-air sporting sites for team sports, and we are going to open a swimming pool very soon. Each Department runs sports clubs and sections. Nontraditional sports are available, too: callanetics, physical fitness, pilates, shaping, etc.

Does ASU provide its students with hostel accommodation?

Yes, we have 7 comfortable hostels located in various parts of the Astrakhan metropolitan area, next door to our University buildings.


Master Programs

What opportunities are available for those who cover the master program “Linguistics (Theory of Translation & Interpretation: Intercultural / Interlingual Communication)”?

Coverage of this master program shall help you develop your career potential, get precious experience of joint work with specialists in this field, complete practical training programs at the world’s top centers of interpreting and translation. It shall also help you get a worthy job in the field of translation, interpreting, and international communications.

Is it possible to sign up for a master program if it’s not related to my previous education?

Yes, it is. You may change your specialty, if you have some experience in the new field. However, please note that to become our MA or MSc student after passing through the entrance competition, you will have to compete with a large number of other candidates who might have specialized in that field for a long time and who might have obtained profound practical skills in it. Please do estimate and analyze your chances objectively.  Please ask yourself the question: why do you need to specialize in that very field, which is new for you? How will it help your future career? Please pay special attention to the practical and academic aspects of the courses that interest you. In short: please decide what exactly you need at the current stage, set yourself particular goals for you to achieve, and choose the program that is the most useful for you to achieve them, that meets your previous experience and education well. Good luck!


PhD Programs

What level of education are PhD programs related to?

As per Point 5 of Clause 10 of the Federal Law “About Education in Russian Federation”, the following levels of professional education have been determined:

Secondary professional education;

Higher education – bachelor degree;

Higher education – specialist degree;

Higher education – higher qualifications.

Thus, training to obtain a higher qualification at a PhD course is the third level of higher education.

Who can apply to start covering a PhD course?

To start covering a PhD course, you must have obtained a higher education (a specialist or a master degree).

What entrance exams do I need to take to join a PhD course?

The only way to join a PhD course is to take entrance examinations (even if you have already passed a candidate examination, it shall not be taken into account). You have to take three entrance examinations: your special discipline that is determined by your future PhD specialization; Philosophy; a foreign language.

Can I study at your distance PhD courses on budget-financed terms?

No, studies on budget-financed terms are available only if you are going to cover a full-time PhD program.

What is the process of enrollment to PhD courses like?

To start covering a PhD program, it is candidates with a higher total score at their entrance examinations who shall be enrolled.

Should the total scores be equal, it is the person who has gained a higher score in the special discipline who shall be enrolled.

Should the gained scores be absolutely equal in all the three entrance examinations, it is the person with individual achievements who shall be enrolled. Such individual achievements shall be considered by the Admission Commission as per the Rules of Admission approved by the University Rector.

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)